Катастрофа Boeing MH17 под Донецком
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  nekto_mamomot ( Специалист )
07 фев 2016 19:37:41

Тред №1055557

новая дискуссия Дискуссия  160

50 вопросов голландского парламента правительству по обстоятельствам крушения Бонга МН-17.
(Может, кто сделает хороший русски перевод?)

Radargate MH17 - 50 questions by parliament to be answered by Dutch government (Google Translate!) Originalhttp://www.tweedekamer.nl/kamerstukken/detail…

Can you explain what has been trying to speak the Ukrainian air traffic controller who last flight MH17 had under his wing? Why this did not happen?
Has ruled that the transcripts are provided on the contact of the Ukrainian air traffic with flight MH17-in any way manipulated?
Do you have satellite information concerning the firing of the missile sought or received? If so, what kind of information in this respect?
Can be explained in which radar and satellite data from the United States have been received?
Would further radar and satellite data to determine the precise location of fire?
Why is unable to determine the precise location of fire?
Do you consider the criticism after the publication of your report is leveled at some of the findings led to doing further research on parts? Can you explain your answer?
Do you have one or multiple requests to the central government for assistance in obtaining relevant radar and satellite data? If so, how has responded? If not, why not?
Which part of the report, the OVV when the ICAO annex 13 report sent to ICAO?
What is the draft report have seen the participating countries and which they could make comments?
The participating countries also been an opportunity to comment on the reports of TNO, NLR and the conclusion which used missile and warhead in the attack on the MH17? If not, why not?
OVV has received the letter from Russian Federation (http://www.favt.ru/novosti-novosti/?id=2311) and may make the answer to this public?
Are you familiar with the fact that the news or broadcasts of RTL and Nieuwsuur (both UK), TV Sveda, Russia Today TV Chanel 1 (all three from the Russian Federation), Hromadske.tv (Ukraine), BBC and Russia Paris Match, recognizable eyewitnesses have clearly stated that they saw one or more military aircraft at the MH17? Do you speak one of these witnesses, and can you explain their observations?
Are you familiar with the fact that Andrei Lysenko during a press conference on July 17 (17:00) stated that all aircraft of Ukraine were operational and so were flying over eastern Ukraine? Have you checked where they were flying?
You for your inquiry contacted one of these airlines: Norwegian Air Shuttle AS, Srilankan Airlines, Sandinavian Airlines System and / or Thomson Airways LTD, which is known that they no longer flew over the eastern Ukrainian airspace from 1 May (as evidenced by the Chamber received information from Eurocontrol)? If yes which one? And are you aware of the reason why they did not do more? And if not, why not?
You for your inquiry contacted one of these airlines: British Airways, Kharkiv Airlines, Pegasus Hava, Tasimaciligi A.S. (Pegasus) and / or Finnair OYJ, known that they no longer flew over the eastern Ukrainian airspace sporadically in May and in June / July (as evidenced by the Chamber received information from Eurocontrol)? If yes which one? And are you aware of the reason why they did not do more? And if not, why not?
In presenting the report, the president of the OVV said the rocket came from rebel territory and that showed maps. Now there are no cards in the front line in the report. Can the OVV indicate which areas of potential afvuurgebied were in the hands of the rebels?
OVV has made an inventory of the radar stations that were about 200 kilometers from the crash site within and verified by radar station whether information was available?
The OVV has the log files of the Aircon 2000 system used by Russia and Ukraine for radar?
Ukraine announced that the civilian radar stations were in maintenance. Which civilian radar stations in Ukraine were in maintenance?
The OVV Eurocontrol, because of the obligation to report on countries limited radar coverage to Eurocontrol asked which limited cover Ukraine reported in June and July 2014?
On which two points in time will be exactly one second primary target is visible and where said second primary target is then compared to the primary target MH17?
His two primary targets parts of the MH17 and are consistent with debris coming down elsewhere or may have been other cases?
How often are the Russian radar more "objects" visible than commercial aircraft (as shown in Figure 13 of the report in the appendices)?
How is it that the OVV could not correctly identify the pilots and an autopsy was performed on the wrong pilot?
When is the autopsy performed on the pilot B, and when the metal particles removed from the body of pilot A?
What is the weight of both vlinderdasdeeltjes number 10? Is 5.5 grams or 6.1 grams?
What does the Ukrainian delegation at the meeting in August 2014 on the radar at the OVV informed about the availability of radar data from the MH17? What data delegation handed to the OVV at that time?
What the Russian delegation at the meeting in August 2014 on the radar at the OVV informed about the availability of radar data from the MH17? What data delegation handed to the OVV at that time?
When the OVV has formally asked Russia and Ukraine to keep all available radar data, and to hand over? Can you say for both countries if officially what data is requested, to whom it was addressed that question and what the answer was?
When the OVV, the Dutch government informed of the fact that Ukraine no primary radar data could be made available?
When the OVV, the Dutch government informed of the fact that Russia has no primary radar data could / would provide?
OVV has requested the United States to the radar images that they have to be allowed to use and has the OVV invited to the United States in order to use this radar declassified?
The OVV invited to the Ukrainian military authorities in order to receive the primary military radar? To whom and when it is made the request and what was the answer?
From what sources the OVV has the transcripts of air traffic control? Only through UkSATSE (Ukrainian State Air Traffic Services) and also through the black box?
OVV has access to all original recordings of the radio traffic with the MH17? The OVV so the original tires of the black box, the original tapes of the control tower of Dnipropetrovsk and the original tapes of the control tower in Kiev?
Can the OVV all recordings or at least one transcript of all admissions to disclose all communications have been there with MH17? If not, why not?
Can the OVV give all transcripts pertaining to detours and deviations from the original flight?
Do you know the identity of the controller of Dnipropetrovsk, which has had the last contact with MH17?
Have you tried to talk to the air traffic controller of Dnipropetrovsk, who last contract had with MH17?
If it failed to meet the air traffic controller of the MH17 in Dnipropetrovsk, who has blocked it then?
Which bands and recordings received the OVV the control towers Dnipopetrovsk, Kiev and Rostov, such as audio tapes, general audio recordings, video recordings of the tower itself? OVV has asked for information it did not receive?
In figure 13 can be read that there are three commercial aircraft, but four objects that are identified by the primary radar. Can you indicate where the fourth object is on the radar screen?
From what time is the image of the radar screen, Figure 13?
How often, when and where there are more objects visible than that identified airliners are visible on the Russian radar?
What was the speed according to the primary radar of flight MH17 every 5 seconds in the minutes after it was hit by the BUK missile?
What is the biggest size of piercing damage found in the parts that are transported to the Netherlands (Annex X)?
There is also talk of piercing damage that can be caused by an onboard cannon at present one of the debris (Annex X)?
Why is the text that there is no military aircraft near the MH17 was removed after Russian intervention? Does this mean that there may be still a military aircraft was in the area of the MH17 (Annex V)?
OVV has sought to obtain an overview of the available weapons in the circle of which must be shot? If not, why not (Annex X)?
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