Тред №28517
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Розничные продажи продолжают, блин, расти согласно сегодняшним данным. Из Американской Ассоциации Ретейлеров:
Store Closings
Movie Gallery closing another 400 stores
Charming Shoppes (CHRS) closing 150 stores and cutting expansion plans by 50%
Starbucks (SBUX) closing 100 stores and slowing expansion plans by 34%
Ann Taylor (ANN) shuttering 117 stores and slowing store growth
Boston Market evaluating its real estate opportunities
Buffet Holdings sorting out its underperformers
Sprint Nextel (S) closing 125 stores and 4,000 distribution points
Cost Plus World Market closing 18 stores
Liz Claiborne (LIZ) closing 54 Sigrid Olsen stores
New York & Company (NWY) axing the Jasmine Sola brand and its 32 stores
Ethan Allen (ETH) closing 12 stores
PacSun (PSUN) closing all of its 173 demo stores
Talbots (TLB) exiting its kids and men's lines through closure of 78 stores
Rite Aid (RAD) exiting Nevada by closing 28 stores
Macy's (M) closing nine stores
Krispy Kreme (KKD) expecting many franchisees to close stores
Kirkland's Home (KIRK) likely closing 130 stores
CompUSA's remaining 103 stores being disposed of.
Rent-A-Center (RCII) closing 280 stores
Sofa Express closing 44 stores in bankruptcy
84 Lumber closing 12 stores
Home Depot (HD) closings some call centers
Levitz Furniture disposing of 76 stores in bankruptcy
Pep Boys (PBY) closing 31 stores
Lifetime Brands (LCUT) closing 30 stores
Big A Drugs liquidating its 21 stores