Банкротиться можно по-разному и Вестингауз тому пример. Как я пытался пояснить не раз, до ручки его довел стратегический провал реакторостроительного подразделения. А вот топливное подразделение вполне жизнеспособно и заведомо после реструктуризации останется на плаву. Буквально на днях Вестингауз и приступил к отделению зерен от плевел:
http://www.westingho…AL-CHANGESКак полагается, некоторые головы полетели, назначены новые для "укрпеления позиций Веста на всех фронтах", но среди бравурной музыки самая маршевая вот эта
ЦитатаAs Westinghouse sharpens its focus on nuclear fuel manufacturing and restores customer confidence in our ability to deliver worldwide security of supply, Nuclear Fuel is now separated from Components Manufacturing, creating two distinct organizations. Nuclear Fuel will be led by Michele DeWitt, senior vice president. Global Components & Manufacturing (GC&M) will be led by Ken Altemus, vice president.
На нижегородском:
Поскольку Вестингауз сосредотачивается на производстве ядерого топлива и вооостановлении веры потребителей в нашей способности к безопасным поставкам по всему миру, Топливное подразделение теперь выделено из Машиностроительного, которое разделено тем самым на две независимые организации.
Для нас главный посыл из этого: потуги Веста на украинском фронте не ослабеют ни на йоту.
Скрытый текст
CRANBERRY TOWNSHIP – MAY 26, 2017 - Westinghouse Electric Company has announced a series of organizational changes within the Westinghouse leadership team. These strategic moves are intended to drive performance and delivery of customer commitments and enhance the company’s financial position.
The following individuals report to José Emeterio Gutiérrez, interim president and chief executive officer:
Dan Sumner has been named acting chief financial officer. He previously held the position of vice president, Finance at Westinghouse. Sumner’s role will be confirmed upon approval by the Westinghouse Board of Directors.
Jim Brennan has been appointed senior vice president, Quality, Environment, Health and Safety with responsibility for continuous improvement, quality compliance, environment, health and safety activities for the company.
David Howell’s responsibilities have been expanded to include global growth and strategy. As president, Americas Region and chief growth officer, Howell will retain his existing responsibilities of leading our Americas Region customer relationship management as well as the Global Commercial and Marketing organization.
Joni Falascino has accepted the position of acting senior vice president, Corporate Services, with responsibility for Global Information Systems and Technology, Facilities, Security and Global Nuclear Supply Chain. In this new leadership role, Falascino will have responsibility for aligning these global enterprise services for enhanced performance.
Her role will be confirmed upon approval by the Westinghouse Board of Directors.
Steve Hamilton has accepted a special assignment to be senior vice president – Canada in order to build the company’s commercial and operational footprint in Canada. In this strategic position, Steve will work in close cooperation with David Howell and the Americas Region team to leverage his many years of experience in the Canadian market.
Westinghouse Electric Company also announced the formation of a new operational organization called Global Products and Services (GPS), a consolidation of the company's global business operations. The groups and leaders within GPS report to Mark Marano, chief operating officer.
As Westinghouse sharpens its focus on nuclear fuel manufacturing and restores customer confidence in our ability to deliver worldwide security of supply, Nuclear Fuel is now separated from Components Manufacturing, creating two distinct organizations. Nuclear Fuel will be led by Michele DeWitt, senior vice president. Global Components & Manufacturing (GC&M) will be led by Ken Altemus, vice president.
In order to ensure a continued focus on engineering excellence through PWR and BWR design, delivery and operational support, Westinghouse has created a new product line called Global Engineering Services, which will be led by Terry Rudek, vice president.
Additionally, the company has established a new Technology Office, to be led by a chief technology officer with the mission to drive technology exploration and development throughout our global company. Terry Rudek is serving as interim chief technology officer.
Westinghouse has consistently served the operating fleet through its Operating Plants Business, with strong results for both the company and its customers. Global plant support efforts have been further strengthened with the creation of a new group, Global Field Services and Plant Modifications, to be led by Steve Ira, who has been promoted to senior vice president.
All Instrumentation and Control (I&C) activities, including New Plant and Operating Plant, are now consolidated into one organization, led by Gary Brassart, vice president.
Tim Ellis, vice president, will lead the Global Project Management Organization (PMO) to drive standardized processes and methodologies in the management and implementation of all operating plant projects.
Yves Brachet, senior vice president, will continue to lead Global Decommissioning, Decontamination, Remediation &Waste Management (DDR&WM), focused on end of plant life products and services.
Doug Weaver, vice president, will continue to lead Global Regulatory Affairs with an expanded global agenda, to include the EMEA Region.
As Westinghouse continues to build upon the company’s restructuring and transformation efforts to strategically preserve and strengthen its core offerings and grow new business, the following appointments have been made in the Americas Region to support these efforts. These positions report directly to David Howell, president of the Americas Region and chief growth officer.
Mike Latsko has been named interim vice president, Global Strategy and Growth. In this newly created role he is responsible for identifying all Westinghouse strategic growth resources, activities and opportunities.
Joe Scarfutti is confirmed as vice president, Global Commercial and Marketing. He continues to lead Westinghouse’s worldwide marketing and offer development organization. Scarfutti is responsible for planning and directing all aspects of commercial and marketing objectives, initiatives and programs, including monitoring the market environment, managing competitive strategies and driving the development and modification of global marketing plans.
Mark Stickel is confirmed as regional vice president, Americas Region – East. Mark is responsible for project delivery, customer relationships and business development for key customer accounts.
The following individuals are continuing in their present roles:
• Jim Wyble, regional vice president, Americas Region – West
• Matt Dryden, regional vice president, Americas Region – Central
• Jeanne Lopatto, vice president, Government and International Affairs
Отредактировано: Dobryаk - 29 май 2017 11:00:05
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