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  pmg ( Специалист )
07 окт 2015 01:46:50

Washington Post: Немного устаревшая (июнь 2015) но интересная статья про бюджет ЦРУ на дестабилизацию Сирию

новая дискуссия Новость  207

Washington Post: Немного устаревшая (июнь 2015) но интересная статья про бюджет ЦРУ на дестабилизацию Сирии
Источник: https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/lawmakers-move-to-curb-1-billion-cia-program-to-train-syrian-rebels/2015/06/12/b0f45a9e-1114-11e5-adec-e82f8395c032_story.html

... At $1 billion, Syria-related operations account for about $1 of every $15 in the CIA’s overall budget, judging by spending levels revealed in documents The Washington Post obtained from former U.S.

... At $1 billion, Syria-related operations account for about $1 of every $15 in the CIA’s overall budget, judging by spending levels revealed in documents The Washington Post obtained from former U.S. intelligence contractor Edward Snowden. U.S. officials said the CIA has trained and equipped nearly 10,000 fighters sent into Syria over the past several years — meaning that the agency is spending roughly $100,000 per year for every anti-Assad rebel who has gone through the program. The CIA declined to comment on the program or its budget. But U.S. officials defended the scale of the expenditures, saying the money goes toward much more than salaries and weapons and is part of a broader, multibillion-dollar effort involving Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey to bolster a coalition of militias known as the Southern Front of the Free Syrian Army...

... Opposition leaders in southern Syria, where the CIA-trained fighters are concentrated, said the groups have recently become better organized and more effective in their use of heavier weapons, including U.S.-made TOW antitank missiles...

...Despite those gains south of Damascus, experts and officials said that the most significant pressure on Assad’s regime is in northern Syria, where the Islamic State is on the offensive. At the same time, a separate coalition of rebel groups known as the Army of Conquest has taken advantage of infusions of new weapons and cash from Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Qatar....



1. ЦРУ тратит примерно 1 млрд долларов в год на подготовку 10000 боевиков

2. ЦРУшники в основном сконцентрировались на юге в иордании

3. Основное давление на Ассада на севере где концентрируются усилия партнеров ЦРУ
по этому грязному бизнесу - СА, Катара и Турции.

4. В июне в ЦРУ были уверенны что все равно исламисты погонят их "умеренных" если Ассад падет.

5. Совершенно логично что ВС России начали свои операции именно с севера где находтся
основные текущие угрозы.
Отредактировано: pmg - 07 окт 2015 01:53:34
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  pmg ( Специалист )
07 окт 2015 01:52:23
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07 окт 2015 01:53:01
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