Тенденция пропажи тяжелого вооружения из мест отвода продолжается. Очередной отчет ОБСЕ - у ВСУ в местах отвода недосчитались 18 САУ (4 "Акации" и 14 "Гвоздик") , 4-х ЗРК Стрела и 10 120-мм минометов
http://www.osce.org/ukraine-smm/229071In government-controlled areas beyond the respective withdrawal lines, the SMM revisited such locations and observed: 29 self-propelled howitzers (17 2S1
Gvozdika, 122mm and 12 2S3
Akatsiya, 152mm); three Addendum-regulated anti-tank guns (D-44, 85mm). Eighteen self-propelled howitzers (four 2S3
Akatsiya, 152mm and 14 2S1
Gvozdika, 122mm), four surface-to-air missile launchers (9K35
Strela-10) and ten mortars (2B11
Sani, 120mm) were missing, as observed since 2 March 2016.