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  Dobryаk ( Профессионал )
25 июл 2016 10:10:55

Британскому наркоминделу Борису Джонсону устроили выволочку за то, что он назвал расстрел в Мюнхене терактом

новая дискуссия Новость  213

Британскому наркоминделу Борису Джонсону устроили выволочку за то, что он назвал расстрел в Мюнхене терактом. 

Boris Johnson rebuked for blaming Munich shooting on terrorists

Foreign secretary made premature judgment on German shopping mall rampage

The foreign secretary, Boris Johnson, was urged to avoid passing politically sensitive judgments on world events until he was in full possession of the facts after he prematurely blamed Islamist terrorists for the killings in Munich on Friday.

Johnson made his remarks before the identity of the killer – an 18-year-old German citizen of Iranian descent who was obsessed with mass slaughter – had been known.
Although early reports of the attack, in which Ali Sonboly shot nine people dead before killing himself, suggested a gang of three people might be on the loose in Munich in a terror attack reminiscent of the killings in Paris, no definitive information was available and the authorities had not identified a motive for the killings.

Speaking about the attack on Friday while in New York, Johnson told the press that that the “global sickness” of terrorism needed to be tackled at its source in the Middle East. 

“If, as seems very likely, this is another terrorist incident, then I think it proves once again that we have a global phenomenon and a global sickness that we have to tackle both at the source – in the areas where the cancer is being incubated in the Middle East – and also of course around the world.”

На нижегородском: "Если, как это представляется, это было еще одним терактом, то на мой взгляд это  еще одно доказательство того, что мы столкнулись с глобальным явлением и глобальной заразой, с которым надо справиться как в его очаге --- в районах Ближнего Востока,  где эта раковая опухоль взращивается --- и так и во всем мире."

Борис успел это сказать до того, как лbчность террориста была установлена --- а для Германии слово "террорист" немыслимое табу.

He added: “We have to ask ourselves, what is going on? How is the switch being thrown in the minds of these people?”
Tom Brake, the Liberal Democrat foreign affairs spokesman, told the Guardian: “Just days into his new role, Boris demonstrates again why it was a huge gamble appointing him. The off-the-cuff remark may suit Have I Got News for You, but it doesn’t the tragedy in Munich. In future, Boris needs to hold his tongue until he is in full possession of the facts. There is too much as stake.”
It follow a press conference alongside the US secretary of state, John Kerry, on Tuesday in which Johnson was questioned by journalists who repeatedly pressed him to explain his past “outright lies” and insults about world leaders, including describing the US president as part-Kenyan and hypocritical.
Отредактировано: Dobryаk - 25 июл 2016 11:32:43
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