Цитата: Must_Die от 09.03.2017 11:10:14сокрытие статы тоже тот еще рецепт. все равно найдется обход.
другой вопрос что статку саму можно сделать неважной. как например
сорри за лаги, толком не смог настроить трансляцию (зато можно узреть мощный камбэк)
ЦитатаStrangely Blizzard decided not to implement some of the useful features that exist in their other games, namely SCII - things like match history, replays, and like OP suggested an indicator showing how many players online and how many games being played.
+там есть стата, а есть стата. Одну из этих стат видно, но она всё время меняется (
см. сезоны Competitive'а). А вторую не видно,
"When we mis-calibrated on skill rating, there is more of a chase that needs to happen with your MMR to your Skill rating. That means that a player might have placed too high. We know by their MMR that they are actually a lower skill player, so if they win a lot, we can't give them a lot because we know that they don't actually belong there"