Цитата: Magic Spirit от 12.05.2017 20:03:38В лОндоне, в 11.30 по нагловскому времени началось.
Update: In a shocking revelation,
The FT reports that hackers responsible for the wave of cyber attacks that struck organisations across the globe
used tools stolen from the US National Security Agency.A hacking tool known as “eternal blue”, developed by US spies has been weaponised by the hackers to super-charge an existing form of ransomware known as WannaCry, three senior cyber security analysts said. Their reading of events was confirmed by western security officials who are still scrambling to contain the spread of the attack. The NSA’s eternal blue exploit allows the malware to spread through file-sharing protocols set up across organisations, many of which span the globe.
Financial Times пишет что волна заражений невиданная ранее. Хакеры использовали инструментарий который был ранее украден у АНБ - под названием
“eternal blue”.