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Эпидемия чумы на Мадагаскаре

новая дискуссия Новость  415

ЦитатаPlague outbreak leaves 57 dead, more than 680 infected in Madagascar

Of Madagascar's 114 districts, 35 have reported cases of plague, including at least 10 cities.


На 12 октября - 684 инфецированных, 57 погибших. Заболевания чумой зарегистрированы в 35 из 114 районов Мадагаскара.
На Мадагаскаре закрыты все школы.

Зарегистрированы первые случаи чумы на Сейшелах (заразу привез на самолёте пассажир из Мадагаскара):
На Сейшелах уже как минимум 3 человека инфецированы, 1 умер. 1000 человек, которые контактировали с ними взяты под контроль.
Сообщение Мадагаскар-Сейшелы закрыто, на островах срочно предпринимаются меры по нераспространению инфекции.

Роспотребнадзор рекомендует россиянам воздержаться от поездок на Мадагаскар и Сейшелы из-за возможности заразиться чумой:

Россия выслала свою противочумную вакцину на Мадагаскар:
Чума характеризуется стремительным течением заболевания, если вовремя не начать лечение, то может быть поздно. Даже при оказании современной медицинской помощи летальность 8-10%. Очень заразная штука, быстро распространяется.

Регионы мира, где до сих пор периодически бывают вспышки чумы:

Update 1. 
По состоянию на 17 октября - 805 заболевших, 74 умерли.

ЦитатаMadagascar plague death toll climbs to 74
October 18, 2017

An outbreak of highly contagious plague has claimed 74 lives in Madagascar over the past two months with the capital particularly affected, according to a new official toll published Tuesday.
A total of 805 cases have been reported on the poor Indian Ocean island nation since August, the health ministry said in a statement.

In humans, the pneumonic version is transferred through coughing and can be fatal within 72 hours.
Most of the victims recorded in Madagascar have been infected with the pneumonic form. The bubonic form is less dangerous.

Пишут, что большинство заболевших имеют легочную форму чумы, она самая опасная (человек может умереть за 72 часа).
Update 2.
По состоянию на 18 октября - 1032 заболевших, 89 умерли.

ЦитатаUN: Madagascar Plague Cases Top 1,000 Mark
October 19, 2017

U.N. spokesperson Stephane Dujarric said Thursday as of Wednesday 1,032 cases were reported, 67 percent of which are pneumonic, which is more serious than bubonic plague.
So far 89 deaths have been recorded, including 13 on Tuesday.


Update 3.
По состоянию на 20 октября - 1297 заболевших и подозреваемых, 102 умерли.

ЦитатаMadagascar plague outbreak mainly around Antananarivo population 1.5 million as deaths now more than a hundred with a total of 1297 cases
October 20, 2017

Madagascar has been experiencing a large outbreak of plague affecting major cities and other non-endemic areas since August 2017.
Between one August and 19 October 2017, a total of 1297 cases (suspected, probable and confirmed) including 102 deaths (case fatality rate 7.9 percent) have been reported.
Of these, 846 cases (65.2 percent) were clinically classified as pneumonic plague, 270 (20.8 percent) were bubonic plague, one case was the septicaemic plague, and 180 cases were unspecified (further classification of cases are in process).


Update 4.
По состоянию на 23 октября - 1133 заболевших, 124 умерли.

ЦитатаMadagascar plague death toll climbs to 124
October 24, 2017
The death toll from Madagascar's plague outbreak has reached 124, officials said Tuesday, as they cautiously welcomed a slowdown in infections.
The highly contagious plague has caused alarm across the poor Indian Ocean island since August, spreading to the capital Antananarivo and other cities.
A total of 1,133 people have been infected, the health ministry said.


Update 5.
По состоянию на 2 ноября - 1836 заболевших, 133 умерли.

ЦитатаMadagascar plague outbreak has killed 133, may be slowing down
The epidemic, which began in August, has taken the lives of 133 people and resulted in 1,836 suspected or confirmed cases.


Update 6.
По состоянию на 6 ноября - 1947 заболевших, 143 умерли. Пишут, что за 5 дней число заболевших выросло на 37%, то есть замедления эпидемии пока не наблюдается.

ЦитатаBlack Death epidemic at CRISIS POINT: Madagascar plague cases rise 37 per cent in 5 days
THE PLAGUE epidemic sweeping across Madagascar has reached crisis point after cases of the deadly disease soared by 37 per cent in just five days, officials figures revealed last week.
The outbreak has been dubbed “the worst in 50 years” after the number of suspected cases rocketed to 1,801 - up from 1,309 last week, according to the World Health Organisation (WHO).


ЦитатаPlague outbreak update: 1,947 cases, 143 deaths in Madagascar

Of these, 1,437 (74%) were clinically classified as pulmonary plague, 295 (15%) were bubonic plague, one was septicemic, and 211 were not yet classified (further classification of cases is in process).
The death count has risen to 143.


Update 7.
По состоянию на 8 ноября - 2034 заболевших, 165 умерли. 

ЦитатаMadagascar plague outbreak tops 2,000 cases: WHO
November 10
From 1 August to 8 November 2017, a total of 2,034 confirmed, probable and suspected cases of plague, including 165 deaths (case fatality rate 8%), have been reported from 55 of the 114 districts in the country. Of these, 1,565 (77%) were clinically classified as pulmonary plague, 297 (15%) were bubonic plague, one was septicemic, and 171 were not yet classified (further classification of cases is in process). Since the beginning of the outbreak, 82 healthcare workers (with no deaths) have been affected.


Update 8.
По состоянию на 10 ноября - 2119 заболевших, 171 умерли. 

ЦитатаDisease outbreak news
15 November 2017

Since 1 August 2017, Madagascar has been experiencing a large outbreak of plague. As of 10 November 2017, a total of 2119 confirmed, probable and suspected cases of plague, including 171 deaths (case fatality rate: 8%), have been reported by the Ministry of Health of Madagascar to WHO.

From 1 August through 10 November 2017, 1618 (76%) cases and 72 deaths have been clinically classified as pneumonic plague, including 365 (23%) confirmed, 573 (35%) probable and 680 (42%) suspected cases. In addition to the pneumonic cases, 324 (15%) cases of bubonic plague, one case of septicaemic plague, and 176 unspecified cases (8%), have been reported to WHO 

Geographical distribution of confirmed and probable pneumonic plague cases in Madagascar from 1 August through 12 November 2017:

Update 9.

По состоянию на 17 ноября - 2267 заболевших, 195 умерли. 
ЦитатаFrom 1 August to 17 November 2017, a cumulative total of 2 267 confirmed, probable and suspected cases of plague, including 195 deaths (case fatality rate 9%), have been reported from 55 of 114 (48%) districts in Madagascar.

Update 9.

По состоянию на 22 ноября - 2348 заболевших, 202 умерли. 
ЦитатаFrom the 1 August through 22 November 2017, a total of 2348 confirmed, probable and suspected cases of plague, including 202 deaths (case fatality rate 8.6 %), were reported by the Ministry of Health of Madagascar to WHO. There were 1791 cases of pneumonic plague, of which 22% were confirmed, 34% were probable, and 44% were suspected. In addition to pneumonic cases, there were reports of 341 cases of bubonic plague, one case of septicaemic plague and 215 cases with type unspecified.
In total, 81 healthcare workers have had illness compatible with plague, none of whom have died. 
Since the beginning of the outbreak, cases of pneumonic and bubonic plague have been detected in 55 out of 114 districts (48%), including non-endemic areas and major cities. Analamanga Region has been the most affected, with 68% of the cumulative reported cases.


Update 10.

По состоянию на 26 ноября - 2417 заболевших, 209 умерли. 
ЦитатаFrom 1 August to 26 November 2017, a cumulative total of 2 417 confirmed, probable and suspected cases of plague, including 209 deaths (case fatality rate 9%), have been reported from 57 of 114 (50%) districts in Madagascar.

Отредактировано: Zeratul - 06 дек 2017 09:11:09
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