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  Alan Becker ( Слушатель )
18 июл 2019 21:32:33

Большой Идлиб

новая дискуссия Дискуссия  118

Идлибское боевичье обстреляло позиции правительственных войск в районе Хувайза

На американском берегу Евфрата продолжаются теракты. 
За сутки погибло 11 и ранено 6 боевиков YPG
За 10 дней 29 терактов в провинциях Ракка, Хасеке и Дейр-эр-Зор.
52 убитыми и 37 ранеными - потери YPG, гражданских - 5 убитыми и 14 ранено
ЦитатаOver the past 24 hours, a wave of terrorist attacks has swept across the northeastern Syrian provinces of Raqqa and Al Hasakah. During the night, 11 Syrian Democratic Forces fighters were killed and 6 wounded near the Asayish internal security checkpoints in various cities as a result of car bombs. This data is only for the last 24 hours.
The situation in north-eastern Syria remains very difficult. Despite the fact that the region is under the control of an international coalition led by the U.S., there is no order and stability in it. The provinces of Raqqa, Hasakah and Deir ez-Zor receive daily news of explosions and attacks. Thus, for the last 10 days in the north-east of Syria 29 terrorist acts were recorded, in which 52 fighters of Syrian democratic forces died and 37 were wounded. The civilian population includes 5 dead and 14 wounded. ISIL “sleeper cells” in Raqqa, Hasakah and Deir ez-Zor governorates have claimed to have a carried out terrors attacks.


Отредактировано: Alan Becker - 18 июл 2019 21:56:28
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