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  HLD ( Слушатель )
12 июн 2020 00:19:03

Враг № 2

новая дискуссия Дискуссия  132

Парламентское объединение Республиканской партии США предложило свое видение внешней политики и стратегию противодействия противникам Америки .
Россия на почетном втором месте после Китая.

ЦитатаThe threat Russia still poses to our nation should not be underestimated. According to former Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis, Russia is “the principal threat” to our nation.223 As former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Jim Dunford has explained, Russia is the most “militarily capable country” that threatens the United States and “from [an] aggregate capacity and capability perspective, Russia is the most capable state actor that we face.”224 The list of aggressive Russian behavior in recent years is long. For instance, under Vladimir Putin’s authoritarian regime, Russia has invaded and annexed parts of its neighbors (Georgia in 2008 and Ukraine in 2014), engaged in disinformation campaigns to undermine democratic elections in many Western democracies—including the United States, used military grade chemical weapons for assassination purposes, coordinated militarily in Syria with the Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps and Hezbollah, and supported the Taliban in Afghanistan.

На английском языке , текст довольно длинный . О России с 32 по 41 страницу .

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