The Department of State is making this update to the public guidance for Section 232 in order to address certain threats to U.S. national security and foreign policy interests, in particular Nord Stream 2. If completed, these projects would undermine European security and strengthen Russia’s ability to use its energy resources to coerce our European partners and allies.
The projects would hinder the process of European energy diversification. These projects could also severely limit gas transit through Ukraine, depriving the Ukrainian government of significant transit revenues and reducing a large deterrent against further Russian aggression against Ukraine.В Кремле отреагировали на угрозу США ввести санкции против российских газопроводовЭто недобросовестная конкуренция, а также попытка "заставить европейцев покупать более дорогой газ по менее выгодным условиям", заявил пресс-секретарь президента