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  DeC ( Профессионал )
04 мар 2022 01:38:42


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На Ближнем Востоке оживились по поводу событий. Наследный принц Саудовской Аравии Мохаммед бен Салман весьма дерзко заговорил про Байдена и американцев. Байден его особенно не вдохновляет.

Prince Mohammed, the de facto Saudi ruler widely known as MbS, suggested in separate but related remarks carried by the Saudi state news agency SPA that Riyadh could choose to reduce investments in the United States, "Simply, I do not care,” the crown prince said when asked by The Atlantic whether Biden misunderstood things about him. He said it was up to Biden "to think about the interests of America".

“We don’t have the right to lecture you in America,” he added. “The same goes the other way.”

Saudi crown prince says he does not care if Biden misunderstands him - The Atlantic
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  Zloy_Alex ( Слушатель )
04 мар 2022 02:00:02

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