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  Савин ( Слушатель )
26 ноя 2009 21:23:16

Тред №168370

новая дискуссия Дискуссия  85

Цитата: alexsword
Голод настиг Лос-Анджелес - или добро пожаловать в Гондурас!

Там даже хуже. По недавним данным их Минсельхоза 50 млн недоедают, и поэтому Обама развернул программу "Накорми соседа".
President Obama is calling on all Americans to come together to solve hunger in our communities. In this spirit, the Corporation for National and Community Service is launching the United We Serve: Feed a Neighbor initiative in collaboration with the White House and the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

The purpose of the initiative is to raise public awareness of hunger issues and ask Americans to help ensure that their neighbors have access to nutritional food this winter and throughout the year.

More than a million children regularly go to bed hungry in the U.S., according to a government report that shows a startling increase in the number of families struggling to put food on the table.

President Barack Obama, who pledged to eradicate childhood hunger, has described as "unsettling" the agriculture department survey, which says 50 million people in the U.S. - one in six of the population - were unable to afford to buy sufficient food to stay healthy at some point last year, in large part because of escalating unemployment or poorly paid jobs. That is a rise of more than one-third on the year before and the highest number since the survey began in 1995.

Отредактировано: Савин - 26 ноя 2009 21:30:24
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