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  Dobryаk ( Профессионал )
26 окт 2022 09:13:48

Немцы ренегаты, а не европейцы

новая дискуссия Статья  166


Newly elected Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni slammed Germany on Tuesday over its stance during the EU energy crisis and questioned whether this represents “Europeanism”.

Speaking in the chamber of the Italian legislative, Meloni defended her ally Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán and pointed the finger against Germany, which she said, together with the Netherlands, is not cooperating to have a better price on gas for all EU member states.

“You always quote Orbán but is the attitude of Germany what we call Europeanism?”, Meloni asked the Italian opposition.

Мелони выступила в защиту Орбана, обвинив Германию в том, что в паре с Нидерландами она не делает ничего для снижения цен на газ. 

Такая вот евросолидарность. Пустячок — а приятно.
Отредактировано: Dobryаk - 26 окт 2022 09:14:18
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