Цитата: Dobryаk от 18.08.2024 12:18:16Для Стайн это участие в четвертой президентской гонке. На прошлых выборах она набрала 1% голосов. Англичанка гадит везде, но считать Стайн ставленницей Великобритании все же перебор.
Jill Stein is a
Harvard-educated doctor
fight environmental racism, injustice, and pollution, to promote healthy communities, and to revitalize democracy. She has helped win victories in campaign finance reform, racially-just redistricting, and the clean-up of incinerators, coal plants, and other toxic threats. She was a principal organizer for the Global Climate Convergence for People, Planet, and Peace over Profit.
She is now assisting
Cornel West, the former Harvard professor and longtime progressive activist, as he builds up his recently announced campaign for the White House.
Butch Ware is a lifelong activist and educator specializing in the history of empire, colonialism, genocide and revolution. For the past two decades, Ware has put scholarship in service of the people, especially in response to the ongoing genocide in Gaza, as well as the George Floyd murder in 2020. He has organized teach-ins, community education curricula, and other activist and organizing initiatives. More broadly, Ware has been working as a public intellectual, activist, artist, and organizer, supporting communities across the country and around the world to challenge imperialism, ethnic cleansing, and endless war, and to build sustainable, just, peaceful alternatives rooted in African, Indigenous, and Abrahamic traditions.
https://www.gp.org/stein_wareА что такое
прогрессивизм? Секта новой волны, основана британской
Fabian Society.
Против кого воюют прогрессивные активисты? Против промышленности, против нео консерваторов.
Кто такие нео консерваторы? Секта старого корпоративизма, основана британской
Henry Jackson Society. Таким способом за Британией контроль обоих сторон конфикта и такой конфликт может развалить США изнутри, или как минимум сдерживать США, что и наблюдаем в реальности.