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  Gambler ( Слушатель )
10 май 2010 22:32:52

Тред №215136

новая дискуссия Дискуссия  130

Federal Reserve Actions
The Federal Open Market Committee has authorized temporary reciprocal currency arrangements (swap lines) with the Bank of Canada, the Bank of England, the European Central Bank (ECB), and the Swiss National Bank. The arrangements with the Bank of England, the ECB, and the Swiss National Bank will provide these central banks with the capacity to conduct tenders of U.S. dollars in their local markets at fixed rates for full allotment, similar to arrangements that had been in place previously. The arrangement with the Bank of Canada would support drawings of up to $30 billion, as was the case previously.

ECB decisions

The Governing Council of the ECB decided to reactivate, in coordination with other central banks, the temporary liquidity swap lines with the Federal Reserve, and resume US dollar liquidity-providing operations at terms of 7 and 84 days. These operations will take the form of repurchase operations against ECB-eligible collateral and will be carried out as fixed rate tenders with full allotment. The first operation will be carried out on 11 May 2010.

В-общем все становится ясно.
Сегодня просто выкупили госбонды ПИГСов за евро - поэтому он и упал после шортокрыла от ожиданий "спасения".
А вот завтра начнется веселуха - расчехляется своп с ФРС.
В сентябре-декабре 2008 г. от этой операции расширили баланс на полтриллиона баксов.
Баксов дадут всем сколько потребуется, за исключением Банка Канады. Этим - лишь тридцатка.
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