Современные ВС США и Нато
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  Wrongman ( Слушатель )
02 июн 2010 01:21:32

Тред №222973

новая дискуссия Дискуссия  106

До кучи...Приложение к Отчету о действиях в Ираке и Афганистане, 2004.

"...Aft er more than 20 years in development, the
MV-22 experience in Iraq demonstrated that
the Osprey can complete missions assigned in
low-threat environments.
Its speed and range
were enhancements. However, challenges may
limit its ability to accomplish the full repertoire
of missions of the legacy helicopters it is replacing.
If so, those tasks will need to be fulfi lled by
some other alternative. Additionally, the suitability
challenges that lower aircraft availability
and aff ect operations and support costs need to
be addressed..."

Th is appendix cross-references the pages of this Report to the reporting requirements
under the Emergency Supplemental Appropriations Act for Defense and for the Reconstruction
of Iraq and Afghanistan, 2004

Исключительно в безопасной среде может ОСПРЕЙ функционировать, о чем и речь была...Дальше говорится о таких недостатках, как ломучесть и проблемы с доставкой запчастей...Кроме того "...Th e V-22’s original program cost estimates have changed signifi cantly. From 1986 through 2007, the program’s Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation cost increased over 200 percent— from $4.2 to 12.7 billion—while the cost of procurement increased 24 percent from $34.4 to $42.6 billion. Th is increase coincided with signifi cant reductions in the number of aircraft being procured—from nearly 1,000 to less than 500—resulting in a 148 percent increase in cost for each V-22. Operations and support costs are expected to rise. An indication is the current cost per fl ying hour, which is over $11,000—more than double the target estimate for the MV-22..."
с 1986 по 1997 затраты на программу выросли с 4,2 ярдов до 12,7, стоимость одной единицы с 34,4 млн до 42,6 млн (за счет снижения заказа с 1000 до 500 штук), а стоимость одного часа теперь 11 000 USD, что вдвое превышает расчетную величину...
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