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  donbass.hellas ( Слушатель )
16 июл 2010 12:00:42

Тред №237723

новая дискуссия Дискуссия  75

Цитата: BlackShark от 15.07.2010 21:59:13
Как-то странно. "Лонгбоу", но БЕЗ РЛС. Это, по сути, А-шка выходит, ПТУР "Хеллфайр-Лонгбоу" применять не сможет. Кстати, откуда они взяли на это бабло? На европейское оружие - понятно, по связанным кредитам, на наши БМП-3М - непонятно, а на "Апачи" - вдвойне неясно.

Здесь пишут, что вроде бы и без радара может пулять - http://www.globalsec…ah-64d.htm .
The AH-64D Longbow Apache is a remanufactured and upgraded version of the AH-64A Apache attack helicopter. The primary modifications to the Apache are the addition of a millimeter-wave Fire Control Radar (FCR) target acquisition system, the fire-and-forget Longbow Hellfire air-to-ground missile, updated T700-GE-701C engines, and a fully-integrated cockpit. In addition, the aircraft receives improved survivability, communications, and navigation capabilities. Most existing capabilities of the AH-64A Apache are retained.

The AH-64D has been fielded in two configurations. The full-up AH-64D includes all of the improvements listed above. In addition, a version of the AH-64D [formerly designated the AH-64C] without the FCR was also to be fielded. This version would not receive the new Radar Frequency Interferometer (RFI) or the improved engines, but would receive the other Longbow modifications. The AH-64D without FCR is capable of launching the Longbow Hellfire missile. Boeing delivered the first remanufactured Longbow Apache in March 1997. A total of 501 AH-64A Apaches were to be upgraded to the AH-64D configuration, 227 of which will be equipped with the FCR.

Только это уже не D, а formerly designated the AH-64C
Отредактировано: BlackShark - 16 июл 2010 12:30:48
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