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  Kirilla Petrovich ( Слушатель )
04 фев 2012 11:11:16

Тред №386876

новая дискуссия Дискуссия  112

Очень интересная и настораживающая движуха пошла вокруг Сирии несколько с другого фланга:

В Берлине, Лондоне и Кувейте некие протестующие пытаются захватить посольства Сирии.
В кувейте даже оппозициоонный флаг подняли.

In Kuwait, demonstrators stormed into the Syrian Embassy compound on Saturday, breaking windows and hoisting the flag of the opposition, witnesses there said. They spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to talk to the media.

They said there were no serious injuries at the embassy, where protesters ripped down the Syrian flag. Police later cleared the area and blocked roads.

There was also reports of protesters storming the Syrian Embassy in Cairo and starting a fire.

В Каире вроде даже подожгли >:(

Five people have been arrested after gaining entry to the Syrian embassy in London during a protest, police say.

The Met said about 150 protesters had gathered at 02:00 GMT after reports of more than 200 people being killed by shelling in the Syrian city of Homs.

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