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  Крым, Севастополь, Тюмень ( Слушатель )
04 апр 2012 18:03:46

Тред №408277

новая дискуссия Дискуссия  36

Макфол разместил USDA report: “Market Opportunities for Key U.S. Products in Russia.” (ссылка была в твиттере)


Кому интересно, можно почитать как оценивают и как планируют "завоёвывать" русский рынок пиндосы

Крайне интересные цифры по месту России в импорте продуктов.
Чем дальше в лес, тем толще партизаныГрустный ПЛАН ЗАХВАТА РЫНКА РОССИИ! Краткосрочный, среднесрочный, с цифрами..
Переводить долго. Могу на английском разместить ...

По молоку:

[u]Immediate Market Access Gains due to WTO Accession [/u]

Dried Milk and Cream: Russia’s WTO Accession will bind most milk powder tariff lines at 15
percent in either 2015 or 2016 (including non-fat dried milk in 2015), providing improved access
over the current rate of 25 percent. Infant formula will be bound at the current rate of 5 percent
in 2016.
Whey and Modified Whey: The current applied tariff rate for all whey products of 15 percent
bnlt €0.35 per kg will be immediately bound at 15 percent upon accession. Also, for select highprotein
lines, Russia will immediately allow 15,000 metric tons of select high-protein lines to
enter at 10 percent. By 2015, the final bound rate will be reduced to 10 percent on select lowprotein
Ice Cream: Upon accession, Russia will bind its tariff rate at the current applied level of 15
percent and reduce it to 10 percent by 2016.
Casein and Albumins: Upon accession, Russia will bind its tariff rate at the current applied
level of 5 percent.
Other Dairy Products: All tariffs for buttermilk, curdled milk and cream, yogurt, kefir, and
other fermented or acidified milk or cream lines will be immediately bound at the current rate of
15 percent bnlt €0.18 per kg.

Medium-term Market Access Gains due to WTO Accession

Butter, Fats, and Oils, and Spreads: By 2014-2015, Russia will reduce its current applied
tariff rates of 15 percent bnlt €0.35 per kg to a range of 15 percent bnlt €0.12-0.35 per kg. For
commercially important lines, the final bound rate will be 15 percent bnlt €0.22 per kg in 2015.

Fresh Cheese: By 2015, current applied tariff rates of 15 percent bnlt €0.30 per kg will
be reduced to 15 percent bnlt €0.19 per kg for cheese not exceeding 40 percent fat and
locked in at the current applied tariff rate for other types.
Grated or Powdered Cheese: By 2015, current applied tariff rates of 15 percent bnlt
€0.30 per kg will be locked in upon accession.
Other Cheese (including Cheddar and Mozzarella): By 2015-2017, Russia will
reduce its current applied tariff rates of 15 percent bnlt €0.60 per kg to a range of 12-15
percent bnlt €0.20-0.30 per kg.

Или вот про live animals and genetics

In general, market access conditions are very good for U.S. live animals and genetics, featuring
low tariffs and a good U.S.-Russian relationship on related veterinary issues. The Russian
veterinary service and U.S. authorities have routinely found common ground to facilitate trade
when problems have arisen.

Российские ветеринары "хорошо договариваются" с ветеринарами в ЮСАГрустный

И так по каждому продукту..
Особенно интересны графики в конце
Например, потенциальный рост рынка пиндосии в России..
Отредактировано: Крым, Севастополь (устар. - 04 апр 2012 18:35:35
  • +0.59 / 14
  • АУ
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