Цитата: newuser
А как же. Сорча Фаал как всегда в первых рядах: www.whatdoesitmean.com/index1586.htm (Американское правительство разбомбило сходку американских патриотов боеприпасами с обедненным ураном и убило 380 человек)
Черт его знает, что там произошло. Конечно, можно поверить, что датчики просто глюкнули, как эти сайты и говорят, а во взрывах ничего странного нет, т.к. там военный полигон, в общем всего лишь совпадение. Но гробовое молчание даже местной прессы немного удивляет. Могли бы и успокоить население
Ага, очень хорошие комментарии, впрочем, как всегда. Проклятое ЦРУ, КГБ, евреи, Моссад, полая Земля и гиганты.
На abovetopsecret.com появился следующий пост:
I wanted to post this article because it is the perfect example of why any report "circulating in the Kremlin" is beyond BS. Sorcha Faal took the seeds of a legitimate news story and turned it into the first shots of a 2nd American Revolution. I can guarantee that whatever happened, there was NO ATTACK on a gathering of patriots in Alpena County. I've networked quite extensively with local patriots who share my views, and if there had been an attack the people I went fishing with yesterday would have been among the dead.
I'm still not quite sure what really did happen, but I am sure of a few things:
1. There was a tremendous blast that rocked hundreds of square miles of N.E. Michigan.
2. If anyone knows the source of the blast, they aren't talking; and I've spoken to everyone in "authority."
3. Similar blasts were reported to have been felt near Saginaw/Bay City. (Unconfirmed)
4. Radiation spikes in Lower Michigan occurred at roughly the same time as the blast.
5. There has been a tremendous uptick in military activity all over the state.
THOSE are the facts. I'd like to remind everyone that facts are not easily found on the Internet, and they are rarely found in anything published by Sorcha Faal, whatdoesitmean.com, or the EU Times.
I'll do my best to get down to the bottom of this mystery even though I've been "warned." My son was arrested 6 hours after I was as he was driving my van.
I could use all of the prayers, good vibes, and whatnot that you can send my way.
Take care, and keep the faith.
Semper Fi,
http://www.abovetops…850064/pg1Насколько я понял, информация о бое, где погибли "380 американских патриотов", не подтверждается, зато подтверждается информация о гигантском взрыве и сосредоточении большого числа военных. Интересно, что там у них стряслось...