Цитата: Maxzz от 20.06.2012 14:52:35
Пушков молодца!
Ведущий с разных сторон подкатывает, ах какая Россия нехорошая, защищает бяку-Ассада, на что Пушков в твёрдом Лавровско-Чуркинском стиле отвечает, что, мол, Россия защищает только интересы народа Сирии, народ Сирии должен решать, кто и как будет управлять, что решение может быть только политическим и путём прекращения насилия с обеих сторон.
ведущий забавный, конечно, этакая монотонная и "монотемная" вступедолбилка)) но Пушков прямо с начала в атаку пошел))
Ведущий ВВС (В.): Has any applications for more helicopters to Syria comes through your Committee in the Duma?
Пушков (П.): Well, those things do not comes through our Committee in the Duma. This is between executive of 2 states and the parliament is not any precision to consider those deals.
В.: What about your understanding now Russian policy? You – that oversee the Government and the President on policy. What is the Russian position? Give that it has made clear - we do not support Assad particularly.
П.: I think that the
Russian position is not to allow a new so call humanitarian intervention. We had a statement on Syria adopted in State Duma on February 16 as for as I remember and all the 4 political parties represented in the Duma inspired very shut differences and domestications (I mean also the opposition fractions) have supported this statement.
В.: Is the move of your Committee the one of been appalled by what is happening inside Syria?
П.: Yes, we are appalled by what is happening inside Syria but we don't think that the support of
military insurgents will help to solve the situation.
В.: What about some kind of other intervention? We don't support Assad – Mr.Lavrov is made that very clear.
What about the security operators which is clearly moving decidedly again against the pro-reform protestors?
I am not sure that those protestors are pro-reform. I think it is a cliché which is used mostly in the West. This people are being back by Saudi Arabia and Qatar which do not strike me as democratic countries and pro-reform countries. Умыл :)