Стихотворные Авантюры - творчество любителей рифмованных и не очень строк...
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  Proha ( Слушатель )
19 авг 2008 01:34:00

Тред №47832

новая дискуссия Дискуссия  124

Стихотворный апокрифичный диалог Саака с Бушем уже постили: http://noviny.narod.ru/A0001982.html . Я повторяю ссылку на всякий случай и привожу ниже вариант перевода на общечеловеческий. Вариант не идеальный, уж не взыщите. Кто владеет английским в достаточной степени вольны подправить по своему усмотрению. Подправленный (или исходный) вариант через несколько часов запулим в сеть. Пусть читают все, не только русскоязычные.

Saakashvili: Georgy? This is me, Saakashvili!
Now you can plaster Moscow right away!

Bush (not understanding): Can plaster what?

Saakashvili: But we had an agreement!
That if we do... then you come in the play!
Do you remember now? When you arrived
There was a festive dinner, and I said
That when I shell Tskhinvali, in reply
Your troops should shoot at Moscow, just like that!
I gifted you a horn, a hat, a touch,
And then you said: Tskhinvali may be yours!

Bush: That cannot be. I could not drink so much.
I did not give you right to levy wars!

Saakashvili (irritated): But how come? But eating chachochbili
You said while chewing on a chicken piece
That NATO would be bombarding Rossiya
If Russians would be bombarding Tiflis!

Bush: No, Mikhael. We only drank water!
And then I only mentioned, Mikhael
That we were ready for defending freedom,
But did not say about the troops as well!

Saakashvili: OK, the freedom, if you like it better...
For freedom I could rupture anyone!
I shelled Zchinwali absolutely freely
And now it is your turn to bomb Moskva!

Bush: Just listen. I'm trying to explain.
Of course we guard the freedom, any time!
But starting World War Three... It could be plain
If it would be for oil. But for saline?!

Saakashvili: But how come, Georgy! I'm amazed!
As we were singing late at the banquet,
You said to me: "For holy freedom's sake
Go, Mikhael as far as it can get!"

Bush: Oh yes, I said, there's no falsehood here,
And now again I tell the terp quite clear:
Please go to hell as far as you can do
And faster,  cause I've had enough of you. (Hangs up.)

Saakashvili: Somehow it went wrong. Although before
He used to say: "We need you Mikhael!"
(After a pensive pause runs to the telephone.) Hello, Moscow? NATO sells me short!
Let's join the force and bomb them all to hell!
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