Иран и Ближний Восток.
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  Solero ( Слушатель )
12 фев 2013 14:37:02

Тред №528250

новая дискуссия Дискуссия  116

Может кому интересно будет...
Новая книжка от Ассоциации по контролю над вооружениями (Arms Control Association) по иранской ядерной программе...

An Arms Control Association
Briefing Book
February 2013
ACA Research Staff
Solving the Iranian Nuclear Puzzle

Содержание книги:

• An overview of the technical status of Iran's nuclear program, including an outline of the key steps that would be required to build nuclear weapons;

• A summary of the national and international sanctions that have been imposed on Iran;

• A summary of the risks and limits of potential military action;

• A review of the current state of P5+1 negotiations with Iran and an analysis of options for a potential deal that could prevent a nuclear-armed Iran;

• An annotated timeline of nuclear diplomacy with Iran from the origins of its nuclear program to the present; and

• A short history of official proposals on the Iranian nuclear issue from 2003 to today


Читать книгу http://www.armscontr…k_2013.pdf
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