Цитата: Schreibikus от 29.08.2013 14:45:39
Сюжет телеканала Russia Today.
Параллели в подаче Штатами ситуаций в Югославии, Ираке, Ливии, Сирии.
Здесь тоже параллели в отношении американцев к различным войнам (надеюсь, что будет понятно и без перевода)
90% supported U.S. action in Afghanistan in 2001.
81% of Americans supported Operation Restore Hope in Somalia
80% of Americans supported Truman sending troops to Korea
76% of American initially supported the Iraq War,
53% initially supported in the invasion of Grenada
47% of Americans supported the U.S. intervention in Libya in 2011
46% supported NATO military action in Kosovo in 1999
30% approx. supported the wars in Iraq and Vietnam.
9% support a war against Syria.
Indeed, more Americans supported the King of England during the Revolutionary War than support a war against Syria today. Sources; Gallup, et al. via Washington's Blog, with apologies