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  Веселый Томагавк ( Слушатель )
12 сен 2013 22:32:42

Тред №616006

новая дискуссия Дискуссия  94

Сирийская оппозиция распространила видеообращение, в котором отвергает российскую инициативу по химическому разоружению Сирии.
Dear Brothers and sisters from the free Syrian People, Heroes of the free Syrian Army, All Honorable people in the whole world, Mercy and blessings of God upon you:
The blessed Syrian revolution continues among extremely difficult circumstances, and still our people paying their lives and everything they have to gain their freedom and to remove away the injustice.
Today, with the continuous action of Assad Regime in killing, destruction, using chemical weapons, and other things against our people over coming all red lines, because of the long silence of the international community, we are seeing some practical steps from the international community which our people paid their lives against it; some signs began to appear in the horizon for the falling of Al-Assad criminal gang.
The presidency of the General Staff of the Syrian revolution emphasizes that the Syrian people are the origin and foundation of victory, the focus of the solution and the primary goal of our revolution. So, we declare our unequivocal rejection of the Russian initiative to put the Regimes' chemical arsenal under the international trusteeship, and requests not only to put the Regimes' chemical arsenal which is the crime tool under the international trusteeship, but to punish the perpetrators of the crime, and to sue them in front of the International criminal court, after confessing the possession of the crime tool, and the recognition to deliver it to the International community, because taking the crime tool is an issue, and to punish the criminal is another issue.
Also, the presidency of the General Staff of the Syrian revolution calls all supporting and friendly countries to increase the quantities of arms and ammunition, and ask our free Syrian army heroes to keep fighting for the liberation of our country from Al-Assad hatred and tyranny gang, and raise the pace of military operations on all fronts, the criminal Assad is falling , remember the famous saying of our lord Abu Baker Al-Seddeek: be heroes in the battle, do not betray, be loyal to your country, do not kill small children, old people, women, because you are the people of values, magnanimity and manhood.
In the end we ask God the Almighty to inspire us the best for our country, and our people.
Mercy and blessings of God upon you.
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