Цитата: бульдозер от 16.01.2021 07:21:36Тут есть существенные непонятки -суть которых в том, что неизвестен тот, кто производит скандия больше всех. По одним данным -США, по другим -РФ. 3 тонны - для этого элемента очень существенно, однако утверждалось, что США уже имеет общее производство около 100 тонн. Кто врет? - не известно, мы или они. Тема -стремная и ловко врать могут обе стороны, однако -вполне очевидно, что технологическая гонка в этом направлении-идет.
Прилагаю сводку Геологического управления США за январь 2020. На полный перевод нет времени.
Главное открытие:
собственное производство оксида скандия в США отсутствует как класс. Проекты есть.
Еще один пунктик: скандия в земной коре больше, чем свинца. Но он рассеян.
И еще пунктик: активно развиваются технологии замены скандия в приложениях или алюминием, или титаном.
In the United States, a feasibility study was completed on the polymetallic Elk Creek project in Nebraska. Probable
reserves were estimated to be 36 million tons containing 65.7 parts per million (2,400 tons) of scandium. Plans for the
project included downstream production of ferroniobium, titanium dioxide, and scandium oxide. The Bokan project in
Alaska and the Round Top project in Texas also included scandium recovery in their process plans. In addition,
Federal and State agencies were funding the development of methods to separate scandium from coal and coal
Globally, several projects were under development while seeking permitting, project financing, and offtake
agreements. Reserves at the Nyngan project in New South Wales, Australia, were estimated to be 1.4 million tons
containing about 590 tons of scandium. The developer expected to begin commissioning 38.5 tons per year of
scandium oxide production capacity in 2021. A definitive feasibility study on the polymetallic Owendale Project in New
South Wales was completed in 2018 with the potential to produce 20 tons per year of scandium oxide from reserves
of 4.0 million tons containing 570 parts per million scandium (3,500 tons of scandium oxide equivalent). Engineering
and design plans for the polymetallic Sunrise Project in New South Wales, continued to advance following an offtake
agreement for nickel and cobalt in 2019 and the completion of a definitive feasibility study in 2018. Proven and
probable reserves for the Sunrise Project were 147 million tons containing 53 parts per million (7,800 t) scandium. In
Queensland, following the completion of a bankable feasibility study on the polymetallic SCONI project in 2018,
reserves were updated to 57 million tons containing 35 parts per million (2,000 tons) scandium.
In the Philippines, a plant designed to recover 7.5 tons per year of scandium oxide equivalent began commercial
production at the Taganito high-pressure acid-leach nickel operation. An intermediate scandium concentrate was
exported to Japan.
In Russia, feasibility studies for making scandium oxide as a byproduct of alumina refining in the Ural Mountains were
ongoing. The pilot plant was reported to have produced scandium oxide with purity greater than 99%. Based on pilot
test results, plans were in place for a 3-ton-per-year scandium oxide plant. In Dalur, Kurgan region, development of
scandium recovery as a byproduct of uranium production continued, and production capacity included scandium
oxide (570 kilograms per year) and aluminum-scandium alloy (24.5 tons per year).
In the European Union, recovery methods were being developed to produce scandium compounds and aluminumscandium
alloys from byproducts of aluminum and titanium mining and processing. Globally, several projects were
underway to commercialize new aluminum-scandium alloys for casting and additive manufacturing.
World Mine Production and Reserves:6
No scandium was recovered from mining operations in the United States.As a result of its low concentration, scandium is produced exclusively as a byproduct during processing of various
ores or recovered from previously processed tailings or residues. In recent years, scandium was produced as
byproduct material in China (iron ore, rare earths, titanium, and zirconium), Kazakhstan (uranium), Philippines
(nickel), Russia (apatite and uranium), and Ukraine (uranium). Foreign mine production data for 2019 were not
World Resources:
Resources of scandium are abundant. Scandium’s crustal abundance is greater than that of lead.
Scandium lacks affinity for the common ore-forming anions; therefore, it is widely dispersed in the lithosphere and
forms solid solutions with low concentrations in more than 100 minerals. Scandium resources have been identified in
Australia, Canada, China, Kazakhstan, Madagascar, Norway, the Philippines, Russia, Ukraine, and the United States.
Titanium and aluminum high-strength alloys, as well as carbon-fiber materials, may substitute in highperformance
scandium-alloy applications. Light-emitting diodes displace mercury-vapor high-intensity lights in some
industrial and residential applications. In some applications that rely on scandium’s unique properties, substitution is
not possible
Отредактировано: Dobryаk - 16 янв 2021 09:25:26
Вси бо вы сынове Божии есте верою о Христе Иисусе. Елице бо во Христа крeстистеся, во Христа облекостеся, несть иудей, ни эллин, несть раб ни свободь, несть мужеский пол, ни женский. Вси бо вы едино есте о Христе Иисусе
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