Катастрофа Boeing MH17 под Донецком
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  Uncle Ben ( Практикант )
02 окт 2015 18:23:49

Передняя часть самолете MH17 реконструирована (на English)

новая дискуссия Новость  165

Передняя часть самолете MH17 реконструирована (на English)
Источник: http://www.dutchnews.nl/news/archives/2015/10/front-section-of-flight-mh17-has-been-reconstructed/

The Dutch safety board has reconstructed part of the Boeing aircraft MH17, using wreckage brought back from the crash site in eastern Ukraine. The organisation, which is leading the research into what brought down the Malaysian Airways flight in July 2014, says it has reconstructed the cockpit and the business class section at the front of the aircraft.

The Dutch safety board has reconstructed part of the Boeing aircraft MH17, using wreckage brought back from the crash site in eastern Ukraine. The organisation, which is leading the research into what brought down the Malaysian Airways flight in July 2014, says it has reconstructed the cockpit and the business class section at the front of the aircraft. The reconstruction will be on display during the presentation of the final report into the crash on October 13. Leak Some aspects of the report have already been leaked. CNN said it will include evidence that the flight was shot down by a BUK rocket fired by pro-Russian separatists in Ukraine. However, other sources say the report will not place any blame. All 298 people on board the plane were killed in the disaster. Most of them were Dutch holidaymakers.


В кратком переводе:

"DSB реконструировал часть Боинга рейса MH17 из обломков, собранных на Украине
DSB сообщает, что они реконструировали кокпит и секцию бизнес-класса в передней части
самолета. Реконструкция будет показана во время презентации финального отчета
13-го октяборя.

Некоторые аспекты финального отчета утекли. Так CNN  утверждает, что самолет сбит  
БУКом сепаратистов. Однако, другие источники утверждают, что отчет не содержит
никаких обвинений."
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