В отчете приведены 3 фото частей Бука якобы обнаруженных голландской комиссией (стр 82).
В тексте указано что есть и другие элементы Бука которые они пока не публикуют в интересах
уголовного расследования, т.е. надо так понимать с номерами указывающими на личный Бук
Президента России Путина. Так что наличие Бука в этом деле является обязательным по их
сценарию. Итак приведены следующие части
1. Дюза ракетного двигателя
2. Соединительный кабель
3. Стабилизирующее ребро корпуса ракеты
" Other relevant objects recovered
During the recovery of the wreckage, a number of parts that did not originate from the
aeroplane and its content were found in the wreckage area. The parts found appeared to
be connected with a surface-to-air missile. The parts that were suspected to be related
to a surface-to-air missile were transported to the Gilze-Rijen Air Force Base in the same
way as the aeroplane wreckage was. On arrival the parts underwent the same examination
as the pieces of aeroplane wreckage. Subsequently the parts that were suspected to be
related to a surface-to-air missile were subjected to forensic examination, as part of the
criminal investigation (see Section 2.16). In order to not risk impeding the criminal
investigation, the Dutch Safety Board has decided not to publish images of all of the
recovered fragments that were presented to the Annex 13 partners during the progress
meeting in August 2015. Images of three of the parts are shown in Figure 36.
The shape and form of the parts recovered is consistent with a 9M38 series surface-to-air
missile. Images of three of the recovered parts are shown in Figure 36 together with an
indication of origin on a 9M38 series surface-to-air missile; namely an engine nozzle (1),
part of one of the four stabilizer fins (2) and a data cable (3)."