Война в Йемене и на аравийском полуострове
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16 мар 2016 04:59:20

Тред №1072406

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Саудиты недавно с помпой объявили, что взяли под контроль Таиз. Однако перемога быстро оказалась липовой - хуситы никуда из города не уходили, там продолжаются уличные бои,  уже покрошили более 55 саудитов:

Цитата: ЦитатаYemeni Army, Houthis deliver the Saudi Army an embarrassing defeat in Taiz: 55+ killed

https://www.almasdar…55-killed/ | Al-Masdar News

The Saudi-led Coalition and their mercenaries launched a large-scale assault at the provincial capital of the Ta’iz Governorate on Monday, striking the Houthi defenses at the western sector of this large city in southwestern Yemen. However, the battle did not go according to plan for the Saudi-led Coalition and their allies, as they were overwhelmed by the Houthi forces and the Yemeni Army’s 33rd and 48th brigades of the Republican Guard in western Ta’iz on late Monday morning. According to the Yemeni “Al-Jabhah News“, over 55 soldiers and mercenaries belonging to the Saudi-led Coalition were killed during the battle for western Taiz, including several squad leaders. The following morning, the Yemeni Army reportedly killed a Saudi mercenary commander – Ghanem Al-‘Azazi – near the Air Defense Battalion Base in Ta’iz. The Yemeni Army has reported that several Al-Qaeda militants are partaking in this offensive to seize the strategic city of Taiz, citing that many of these terrorists have been killed by the Republican Guard and the Houthi forces.

Отредактировано: Zeratul - 01 янв 1970
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  Удаленный пользователь
16 мар 2016 09:31:27

Не, они почти сразу же сообразили, что в подобную брехню никто не поверит, и заявили о контроле только над западными окраинами.
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