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  Teiwaz ( Слушатель )
08 май 2016 20:46:33

Тред №1092404

новая дискуссия Дискуссия  168

Цитата: ЦитатаSvante Pääbo, who led the Neanderthal DNA sequencing project, recently announced a new discovery that also sheds light on why H. sapiens might have been a better survivor than H. neanderthalensis. 

After analyzing a newly sequenced genome from a Denisovan, a hominin more closely related to Neanderthals than H. sapiens are, Pääbo's team concluded that there were a few distinct regions of DNA that H. sapiens did not share with either Neanderthals or Denisovans. 

Several of those regions contain genes connected to the neurological connections that humans can form in their brains. In other words, it's possible that H. sapiens' greater capacity for symbolic thought is connected to unique strands of DNA that the Neanderthals didn't have. "It makes a lot of sense to speculate that what had happened is about connectivity in the brain, because... Neanderthals had just as large brains as modern humans had," Pääbo said at a press conference in 2012 after announcing his discovery. "Relative to body size, they had even a bit larger brains [than H. sapiens]. 

Yet there is something special that happens with modern humans. It's sort of this extremely rapid technological cultural development and large societal systems, and so on." In other words, H. sapiens' brains were wired slightly differently than their fellow hominins. 

And once Neanderthals merged with H. sapiens' communities, bearing children with the new arrivals, their mixed offspring may have had brains that were wired differently, too. Looked at in this light, it's as if H. sapiens assimilated Neanderthals both biologically and culturally into an idea-sharing tradition that facilitated rapid adaptation even to extremely harsh conditions.
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  Ladogard ( Слушатель )
10 май 2016 10:45:30
Цитата: ЦитатаSvante Pääbo, who led the Neanderthal DNA sequencing project, recently announced a new discovery that also sheds light on why H. sapiens might have been a better survivor than H. neanderthalensis. 

After analyzing a newly sequenced genome from a Denisovan, a hominin more closely related to Neanderthals than H. sapiens are, Pääbo's team concluded that there were a few distinct regions of DNA that H. sapiens did not share with either Neanderthals or Denisovans. 

Several of those regions contain genes connected to the neurological connections that humans can form in their brains. In other words, it's possible that H. sapiens' greater capacity for symbolic thought is connected to unique strands of DNA that the Neanderthals didn't have. "It makes a lot of sense to speculate that what had happened is about connectivity in the brain, because... Neanderthals had just as large brains as modern humans had," Pääbo said at a press conference in 2012 after announcing his discovery. "Relative to body size, they had even a bit larger brains [than H. sapiens]. 

Yet there is something special that happens with modern humans. It's sort of this extremely rapid technological cultural development and large societal systems, and so on." In other words, H. sapiens' brains were wired slightly differently than their fellow hominins. 

And once Neanderthals merged with H. sapiens' communities, bearing children with the new arrivals, their mixed offspring may have had brains that were wired differently, too. Looked at in this light, it's as if H. sapiens assimilated Neanderthals both biologically and culturally into an idea-sharing tradition that facilitated rapid adaptation even to extremely harsh conditions.

Огромное спасибо за цитату, Тэйваз! 

Вы , по моему, слишком тактичны и не стали переводить информационную бомбу , ограничившись лишь публикацией отрывка из неё  на английском.  Улыбающийся

А ведь это Событие, хоть и упорно замалчиваемое в СМИ. Тут каждое слово прекрасно. Я в отличии от Вас, выделил важное цветом. 

Сам основатель проекта и главный исследователь генома неандертальца , Сванте Пеебо, в своей презентации результатов дешифровки генома неандертальца  в 2012 году, признает, что геном современного человека разительно отличается от генома неандертальца и денисовца наличием определённых областей в генокоде , ответственного за формирование нейронных связей в мозгу, предопределяющих формирование и развитие абстрактного ( символического) мышления. 

На основании этого , Сванте Пеебо с коллегами пришёл к выводу, что кроманьонцы ( хомо сапиенсы) оказались ментально лучше подготовлены к выживанию за счёт своих улучшенных когнитивных способностей, в отличии от неандертальцев , денисовцев и пр. , так как относительный объём мозга у неандеров был даже больше, чем у человека, но это им не помогло. 

Так же , в своей работе , и в частности в цитируемом Вами отрывке,   главный спец по неандертальцам подтверждает, что цивилизация нашей планеты шла путём мутагенеза, дипломатично называемого  Сванте " биологически культурной ассимиляцией" . 

Когда с помощью этого " культурно биологического " процесса,  неандертальцы ( как и денисовцы) были "введены" или " ознакомлены" с мышлением,  предполагающим обмен , сохранение и развитие идей , это  и обусловило последующую быструю адаптацию метисной популяции даже в резко негативных природных условиях . 

Цитата: ЦитатаAnd once Neanderthals merged with H. sapiens' communities, bearing children with the new arrivals, their mixed offspring may have had brains that were wired differently, too. Looked at in this light, it's as if H. sapiens assimilated Neanderthals both biologically and culturally into an idea-sharing tradition that facilitated rapid adaptation even to extremely harsh conditions.

П. С. 
Я решил пересказать содержание отрывка, чтобы активно минусующие СлаваЕ и женяиванов могли понять, что конкретно они минусуют. 

ПСС. Неудивительно, что после предложенного перевода, СлавеЕ ничего иного не остаётся, кроме как отминусовать и эту очевидность. 
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