Выбор США: текущая политическая ситуация
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  Dobryаk ( Профессионал )
09 ноя 2016 14:39:02

лысые сторонники Хиллари рвут волосы где они еще остались

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Примечательный комментарий, переведу в спешке только начало и конец: лысые сторонники Хиллари рвут волосы где они еще остались. В целом неплохое пособие по разговорному английскому.

Zac Thompson Outspeak Editor, in association with The Huffington Post

Lonnie Nadler Outspeak Editor - in partnership with The Huffington Post


Цитата: ЦитатаIt seems that once again American voters were fucked by the long wang of America: Florida. The 45th President of the United States is officially Donald Trump. Despite rampant misogyny, sexism, xenophobia, racism, and lying the big, orange, walking venereal disease won, and he won “big league”. It’s all been said, but nobody cared about any of his terrible qualities. Instead Americans were blinded by his promise of building a better tomorrow.

На поверку американцы еще раз оттрахали самих себя Флоридой, этой толстой залупой Америки. Трамп официально стал 45-м президентом США. Несмотря на разгульное презрение к женщинам, сексизм, ксенофобию, расизм и обман, эта большая рыжая ходячая венерическая зараза победила, и победила в стиле высшей лиги.  Обо всем этом было говорено, но всем было наплевать на эти отвратительные качества. Взамен амерканцы были ослеплены его обещаниями построить светлое завтра.

Цитата: ЦитатаIt seems that we’ve forgotten what it was like to have a bad president. One that isn’t supported by the collective majority of the country but instead is mocked for the duration of their candidacy. It may be funny to look back on Bush’s idiotic antics, but the reality of his term as President was nothing to laugh about. George W. Bush gave rise to a Donald Trump presidency. The Bush campaign appealed to an uneducated majority with the ideals of a trailblazing cowboy. He was the everyman that people could relate to on the most basic of levels. His small vocabulary and love for ten-gallon hats made him seem like a genuine dude who stood for the ideals of the people. It’s the cavalier attitude that paved the way for the war in Iraq by building out a macho foreign policy of attack first, think later.

Похоже, что американцы забыли каково жить с херовым президентом. С президентом, который пролез за свое длительное кандидатство (примечание: Трамп рассматривался как кандидат в президенты и на предыдущих выборах) вместо опоры  на коллективное большинство в стране. Как бы ни было смешно вспоминать идиотские выходки Буша, в действительности над временем его президенства смеяться грешно. Но именно Дж. Буш проложил путь к президентству Трампа --- избирательная кампания Буша призывала к чувствам малообразованного большинства, все еще воображавших себя ковбоями. Буш был простаком и кзался свойским парнем. Его мизерный словарный запас и любовь к пятиведерным шляпам выставляли его парнем, кто за идеалы народа. Именно этот ковбойский напор привели к войне в Ираке, основанной на дипломатии образца "вначале нападем, а потом подумаем."

Think later was part of the mindset that led to the complete collapse of the American housing market. The housing market was built off of frail mortgages that inflated the worth of the American market without any attention to the actual guts of the economy. The attitude was Republicans are inherently good with money. The attitude was to worry about the details later.
This was the same type of approach that came with accusing Iraq of having weapons of mass destruction. It was a guess at best that lead to a multi-year war on terror that is still being fought. The war that set the stage for insurgent groups like ISIS taking power and the war that we’re still dealing with today.
To add insult to injury, during his time as President, George W. Bush escalated the war on drugs by incarcerating minorities at record rates. A hard stance on immigrants and minorities is a policy Trump has made no secret of hiding. He began an era of over spending and war profiteering that led America into a spiraling deficit that we’re still recovering from. It’s basically Trumped up, trickle down economics.
Worse yet, the Bush administration watched as millions of Americans suffered under the crushing debt incurred by the American health care system that led to the great recession of 2007. Trump has been incredibly vocal about his intentions to repeal Obamacare, which is the only hope of affordable health care for many Americans.
After years of an educated career politician leading in the white house with the Obama administration, people got tired of the “lack” of promised change and elected President Donald Trump. Along comes a leader who has championed a vague sense of change in the opposite direction without any factual backing. President Trump spun the numbers to make Obama look like a failure, and the American people ate it up because it was coming from the big mouth of “real American”, yet again. The difference is this time the hero had no political experience. Yet, this is exactly what appealed to the majority of Americans. We had eight years of a President elected on a platform of change, and now that Washington is “broken” from that change, we’ve got a President who’s ready to “drain the swamp” - whatever the fuck that means. And the harsh truth is that Trump is not the everyman. He’s from a rich and entitled family, who knows nothing about the struggles of the average American.

Цитата: ЦитатаA reality television star is now the President of the United States and we’re left to repeat our past mistakes. We’re charging blind into the future without much concern and frankly we should be concerned, we should be really fucking concerned.
Sorry folks, we just schlonged ourselves.

Теперь в президентах США телешоумен и мы обречены на повторение ошибок прошлого. Мы беззаботно понеслись вскачь в будущее, хотя по совести ох как надо призадуматься, нам о@@еть как надо призадуматься.

Простите, господа, но мы сами себя отлупили своими залупами.

И, напоследок: об этом наверняка уже было выше на ветке сказано, и будет сказано еще с многих трибун политическими гуру, но Трамп выиграл своими нападками на политкорректность. Клинтонша же сыграла по старым нотам.  
Отредактировано: Dobryаk - 09 ноя 2016 14:51:41
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