If the great "Chinese Internet" is to be believed, a total of 5 new PLAN Marine combat brigades will be commissioned to support PLA's “New Historic Missions”. They are to supplement the existing 1st and 2nd Marine Brigades. The new outfits are: 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th and Marine SpOps Brigade.
Проще говоря, было 2 бригады МП в Китае, а станет 6 + бригада спецназа
A Chinese Joint Rapid Reaction Force (JRRF) in the making?
Soon, the CMC will have two corps of light infantry (The Marine with six infantry and a SpOP brigades and the Airborne of the same), two Army Air Assault Brigades (the 121st and the 161th) and a super heavy Mech Infantry Division (the 112th) under its direct strategic command. It does not take much of an imagination to picture a Joint Rapid Reaction Force in the making. The JRRF (kuaisu fanyin budui) concept was first proposed by the British Army in the 1990s consists of combat and support elements from land, sea and air to a trouble spot rapidly and at a short notice. More importantly than just showing the flag, a JRRF is capable of fighting a high intensity small/medium scale engagement.
The CMC might not able to project the 15,000 personnel of its British Army counter part to a great distance. However, it has demonstrated previously on several occasions, both in drills and in natural disaster responses, that it can deploy several First Echelon battalion size battle-groups within a 48-hour window (here).
"2 days after May 12th 2008 Earthquake hit, of 81,000 PLA troops arrived, there were 4,000 airborne, 2,600 Marine, Naval, and Air Force personnel, and troop units directly affiliated with the CMC’s four general headquarters/departments."
Of course, the size of the Chinese JRRF First Echelon will decrease in accordance with the deployment distance -- It is one thing to deploy 81,000 troops to Sichuan via internal rail and highway, it is a completely different picture if the destination is North Africa, for example. CMC's strategic transportation assets would be the bottleneck in such an example. Its deployment capability can be easily calculated by assessing the number of ships and transport planes currently available.
Коротко, пишут о том, что китайцы на основе ВДВ (которые у них в ВВС входят), где 6 овдбр (+1 СпН ВДВ, 1 "стратегического снабжения" - это связь, инженеры и снабженцы в одной бригадке, и 1 брАА), МП (6 пехотных и 1 СпН бригады), 2 армейских аэромобильных бригад и 1 тяжелой мехдивизии (112й), формируют "Объединенные силы быстрого развертывания". Забавно, что в качестве примера для подражания аффтар британских каличей выдвигает