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  BlackShark ( Эксперт )
23 янв 2018 16:34:55

Военный музей НОАК в Пекине, фоторепортаж

новая дискуссия Дискуссия  252


Неплохой музей. Особенно радует наличие ZTZ-99A и ZBD-04A в новейших конфигурациях, это все равно, что Т-90М, скажем, в музее поставить или Т-14/15 у нас.

Интересная история там поведана о музейном Т-34-85

This tank, 215 was assigned to a three tank "Kill team" set with the task of assault a US fortified hill (Hill 346.6) at night. Said hill was reported to have dug in M26 Pershings acting as artillery, and 215 was tasked with taking them out. Along the way, 215 was spotted/heard, Flares were fired and 215 was barraged by the M26s, causing 215 to get stuck in a ditch that one of the Pershings had created. While the other two tanks in the team provided cover fire, the crew of 215 hop out of their tank and disguise the tank with bushes. The driver then began to run 215's engine slower and slower, making the American guns think they retreated and instead they start shelling the area further up the road instead of at 215s last known location. Then, the Chinese infantry started their attack on the hill, and three M26s exposed themselves. 215 then shot from it's bush and killed two of the three M26s, and badly damaging the third by lobbing a bunch of HE shells over the small hill it was hiding behind. 215 waited the rest of the night in the ditch, and later an artillery regiment appeared with logs, and they unditched the tank. Saving it. The battle was a Victory for the Chinese.

- A couple days later (again at night), A column of three M46s was coming down the road, 215 waits by the side as they pass and then sneaks into the #2 spot of the convoy without them noticing, until they reach an American checkpoint, where 215 blows up the Patton behind it, then chases down the Patton that was in front, and blows that up as well before booking it back to base. Hence the six stars, 5 Kills, 1 damaged.

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