Вот старинная карта Шотландии с Россией и Моравией (трансформировались потом в Росс и Мюррей):
P. Bertij Tabularum Geographicarum Contractarum. Libri Septen. Amsterdam : J. Hondius, 1616.
https://images-teaching.is.ed.ac.uk/luna/servlet/UoEcha~1~1А вот Уэльс..маленькая, маленькая деревушка...а как она называется?
Ysbyty Ifan, until about 1190, was known as Dôl Gynwal (Welsh for
Cynwal's Meadow). Then, it came to the attention of the
Knights of St John, the Order of Hospitallers, who set up a hospital to care for pilgrims and also to be a hostel for them on their journeys (Ysbyty Ifan means
hospital of St John).
[2] Ysbyty Ifan was on the ancient pilgrimage routes, for example, from Bangor Is Coed (
Bangor-on-Dee) to
Bardsey Island and the
Cistercian Way between
Aberconwy and
[3][4] It is centrally located among a significant number of important pilgrimage destinations of the
Middle Ages, see the map which only shows some of them.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ysbyty_IfanЗЫ. Обратите внимание на то, что долина ("
Meadow") на местном языке называлась просто Dôl ...