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  Vediki977 ( Слушатель )
04 сен 2020 22:45:46

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Один из любимых фрагментов из ежегодного доклада Пентагона про китайскую военную мощь

2016 год: 
Air Operations. The planned development of China’s fifth-generation fighter force will
bolster China’s air-to-air capability. These fighters feature high maneuverability, low observability, and an internal weapons bay, based on the J-20 or FC-31/J-31 prototypes. Other key features of these aircraft are modern avionics and sensors that offer more timely situational awareness for operations in network-centric combat environments, radars with advanced tracking and targeting capabilities, protection against enemy electronic countermeasures, and integrated EW systems.

2017 год
The PLA’s planned development of a fifth-generation fighter force will bolster its air-to-air capability.  The J-20 and FC-31 are expected to feature highmaneuverability, low-observability, and an internal weapons bay.  Other key features include modern avionics and sensors that offer more timely situational awareness for operations in network-centric combat environments; radars with advanced tracking and targeting capabilities; protection against enemy electronic countermeasures; and
integrated EW systems.

The PLA’s planned fielding of a fifth-generation fighter force will bolster its air-to-air capability, adding to the airpower of China’s fourth-generation Russian-built Su- 27/Su-30 and J-11A, and the indigenous J- 10A/B/C, J-11B, and more advanced J-16 fighters. The J-20 and FC-31 feature high maneuverability, stealth characteristics, and an internal   weapons   bay,   as   well   as   advanced
avionics and sensors providing enhanced situational awareness, advanced radar tracking and targeting capabilities, and integrated EW systems. A flight of J-20s performed a flyby at the July 2017 PLA 90th anniversary parade, and the J-20 may have begun active service in small numbers, possibly with a test and training unit.

Air Operations. The PLA’s planned fielding of a fifth-generation fighter force will bolster its air-to-air capability, adding to the airpower of China’s fourth-generation Russian-built Su27/Su-30 and J-11A, and the indigenous J10A/B/C, J-11B, and more advanced J-16 fighters. The J-20 and FC-31 feature high maneuverability, stealth characteristics, and an internal weapons bay, as well as advanced avionics and sensors providing enhanced situational awareness, advanced radar tracking and targeting capabilities, and integrated EW systems. A flight of J-20s performed a flyby at the PLA 90th anniversary parade in July 2017, and the J-20 may have begun active service in small numbers, possibly with a testing and training unit.

Air Operations. The PLA’s planned fielding of a fifth-generation fighter force will bolster its air-toair capability, adding to the airpower of China’s fourth-generation Russian-built Su-27/Su-30 and J11A, and its indigenous J- 10A/B/C, J-11B, and more advanced J-16 fighters. The J-20 and FC-31/J31 feature high maneuverability, stealth characteristics, and an internal weapons bay, as well as advanced avionics and sensors providing enhanced situational awareness, advanced radar tracking and targeting capabilities, and integrated EW systems.
> The PLAAF’s growing fleet of J-20, J-16, and J-10C fighters operating with KJ-500 AEW&C aircraft will enable longer-range A2/AD and counterair operations across the Western Pacific Ocean.
Доклад 2020  представляет собой копипаст доклада 2019 года на 22%, по предварительным подсчетам, но целые разделы еще и представляют собой парафраз.
Китайский истребитель пятого поколения J-20 появился в первой боевой бригаде ВВС НОАК   в пров. Гуандун еще в 2017 году и с того времени производится серийно и поставляется в войска.
Отредактировано: Vediki977 - 04 сен 2020 22:47:05
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