События в Нагорном Карабахе 2020
2,082,079 6,361

  санёк ( Слушатель )
  28 окт 2020 19:55:24

бпла, удары

новая дискуссия Дискуссия  640

ЦитатаУничтожены силы противника, бежавшего с поля боя, не выдержав точных огневых ударов наших подразделений (с) МО АР аз




Отредактировано: санёк - 28 окт 2020 19:57:41
  • -0.48 / 19
  • АУ
  москва ( Слушатель )
  28 окт 2020 20:01:35

Удары бпла и арты 
  • -0.41 / 9
  • АУ
  nesvobodnye ( Слушатель )
28 окт 2020 22:13:38

Вижу крайне неоперативную работу беспилотника. Первый удар - молодцы. Потом бежит скученная пехота, а боеприпасов на ударнике уже нет, ждём прихода нового?
Или я что-то не понимаю?
  • +0.43 / 7
  • АУ
  Барристер ( Слушатель )
28 окт 2020 23:11:22

Концовку посмотрите. Оператор ждал, куда они добежали. И там их накрыл.
  • +0.11 / 6
  • АУ
  Vaal ( Слушатель )
29 окт 2020 00:29:02

Это всего лишь маломощный беспилотник. Не комлекс РУК, у которого запас "подарков" 152мм калибра практически не ограничен...
  • +0.61 / 8
  • АУ
  москва ( Слушатель )
  29 окт 2020 01:05:20
Видео с атакой азербайджанской  дрг у Лачина и ответкой армян
  • +0.44 / 15
  • АУ
  Seaver ( Слушатель )
29 окт 2020 01:16:31

Армянской арте нужно как можно скорее научиться накрывать цели залпом в режиме онлайн. Часто вижу, как гниды убегают, успевают скрыться. 
  • +0.07 / 11
  • АУ
  Кот Мудраго ( Практикант )
  29 окт 2020 07:19:55

Они это неплохо делали в начале войны, но ужасающие потери среди артиллеристов дают о себе знать.
Выбиты десятки орудий и РСЗО, многие с расчетами.
Ниже приведен список пораженных целей от одного статистикдрочера.
Он скрупулезно изучает видеоролики и записывает подбитую технику.
На каждую единицу на его сайте есть скрин.
Конечно часть техники не разрушается и пригодна к эксплуатации.
И это только по материалам видеофиксации. То, что не удалось заснять понятное дело здесь отсутствует.
К примеру азербайдж.
Но посмотрите на масштаб потерь.
Armenia / Republic of Artsakh

Tanks (171, of which destroyed: 101, damaged: 4, captured: 66)
50 T-72A: (1, destroyed) (2, destroyed) (3, destroyed) (4, destroyed) (5, destroyed) (6, destroyed) (7, destroyed) (8, destroyed) (9, destroyed) (10, destroyed) (11, destroyed) (12, destroyed) (13, destroyed) (14, destroyed) (15, destroyed) (16, destroyed by loitering munition) (17, destroyed by loitering munition) (18, destroyed by loitering munition) (19, destroyed by loitering munition) (20, destroyed by Spike NLOS) (21, damaged) (22, damaged) (23, damaged and captured) (24, damaged and captured) (25, damaged and captured) (26, captured) (27, captured) (28, captured) (29, captured) (30, captured) (31, captured) (32, captured) (33, captured) (34, captured) (35, captured) (36, captured) (37, captured) (38, 39 and 40, captured) (41 and 42, captured) (43 and 44, captured) (45, captured) (46, captured) (47, captured) (48, captured) (49, captured) (50, captured)
2 T-72AK: (1, damaged and captured) (2, captured)
15 T-72AV: (1, destroyed) (2, destroyed) (3, destroyed) (4, damaged and captured) (5, captured) (6, captured) (7, captured) (8, captured) (9, captured) (10, captured) (11 and 12, captured) (13, captured) (14, captured) (15, recaptured)
33 T-72B: (1, destroyed) (2, destroyed) (3, destroyed) (4, destroyed) (5, destroyed) (6, destroyed) (7, destroyed) (8, destroyed) (9, destroyed) (10, destroyed by loitering munition) (11, destroyed by loitering munition) (12, destroyed by loitering munition) (13, destroyed by loitering munition) (14, damaged and captured) (15, captured) (16, captured) (17, captured) (18, captured) (19, captured) (20, captured) (21, captured) (22 and 23, captured) (24 and 25, captured) (26, captured) (27, captured) (28, captured) (29, captured) (30, captured) (31, captured) (32, captured) (33, captured)
71 Unknown T-72: (1, destroyed) (2, destroyed) (3, destroyed) (4, destroyed) (5, destroyed) (6. destroyed) (7, destroyed) (8, destroyed) (9, destroyed) (10, destroyed) (11, destroyed) (12, destroyed) (13, destroyed) (14, destroyed) (15, destroyed) (16, destroyed) (17, destroyed) (18, destroyed) (19, destroyed) (20, destroyed) (21, destroyed) (22, destroyed) (23, destroyed) (24, destroyed) (25, destroyed) (26, destroyed) (27, destroyed) (28, destroyed) (29, destroyed) (30, destroyed) (31, destroyed) (32, destroyed) (33, destroyed) (34, destroyed) (35, destroyed) (36, destroyed) (37, destroyed) (38, destroyed) (39, destroyed) (40, destroyed) (41, destroyed) (42, destroyed) (43, destroyed) (44, destroyed) (45, destroyed) (46, destroyed) (47, destroyed) (48, destroyed) (49, destroyed) (50, destroyed) (51, destroyed) (52, destroyed) (53, destroyed) (54, destroyed) (55, destroyed) (56, destroyed) (57, destroyed) (58, destroyed) (59, destroyed) (60, destroyed) (61, destroyed by loitering munition) (62, destroyed by loitering munition) (63, destroyed by loitering munition) (64, destroyed by loitering munition) (65, destroyed by Spike NLOS) (66 damaged) (67, damaged) (68, captured) (69, captured) (70, captured) (71, captured)

Armoured fighting vehicles (30, of which destroyed: 18, captured: 12)
14 MT-LB with Zastava M55 AA gun: (1, destroyed) (2, destroyed) (3, destroyed) (4, destroyed) (5, destroyed) (6, destroyed) (7, destroyed) (8, captured) (9, captured) (10, captured) (11, 12 and 13, captured) (14, captured)
4 MT-LB with ZU-23 AA gun: (1, destroyed) (2, destroyed) (3, destroyed) (4, captured)
1 MT-LB with AZP S-60 AA gun: (1, destroyed)
5 MT-LB: (1, destroyed) (2, destroyed) (2, captured) (3 and 4, captured)
1 BRM-1K: (1, destroyed by Spike NLOS)
1 BRDM-2: (1, captured)
1 BTR-70: (1, destroyed)
3 Unknown AFV: (1, destroyed) (2, destroyed) (3, destroyed)

Infantry fighting vehicles (37, of which destroyed: 18, captured: 19)
16 BMP-1: (1, destroyed) (2, destroyed) (3, destroyed) (4, destroyed) (5, destroyed) (6, destroyed) (7, damaged and captured) (8, captured) (9, captured) (10, captured) (11, captured) (12, captured) (13, captured) (14, captured) (15, captured) (16, captured)
18 BMP-2: (1, destroyed) (2, destroyed) (3, destroyed) (4, destroyed) (5, destroyed) (6, destroyed) (7, destroyed) (8, destroyed) (9, destroyed by loitering munition) (10, captured) (11, captured) (12, captured) (13, captured) (14, captured) (15, captured) (16, captured) (17, captured) (18, captured)
3 Unknown BMP: (1, destroyed) (2, destroyed) (3, destroyed by Spike NLOS)

Armoured recovery vehicles (2, of which captured: 2)
2 BTS-2: (1, captured) (2, captured)

Self-propelled anti-tank missile system (2, of which captured: 2)
1 9P148 Konkurs: (1, captured)
1 9P149 Shturm-S: (1, captured)

Towed artillery (79, of which destroyed: 54, damaged: 6, captured: 19)
1 85mm D-44 divisional gun: (1, damaged)
5 100mm KS-19 AA gun used as howitzer: (1, destroyed) (2, destroyed) (3, destroyed) (4, destroyed) (5, destroyed)
40 122mm (D-30) howitzer 2A18: (1, destroyed) (2, destroyed) (3, destroyed) (4, destroyed) (5, destroyed) (6, destroyed) (7, destroyed) (8, destroyed) (9, destroyed) (10, destroyed) (11, destroyed) (12, destroyed) (13, destroyed) (14, destroyed) (15, destroyed) (16, destroyed) (17, destroyed) (18, destroyed) (19, destroyed) (20, destroyed) (21, destroyed) (22, destroyed) (23, destroyed) (24, destroyed) (25, destroyed) (26, destroyed) (27, destroyed) (28, destroyed by Spike NLOS) (29, destroyed by Spike NLOS) (30, captured) (31, captured) (32, captured) (33, 34 and 35, captured) (36, captured) (37, captured) (38 and 39, captured) (40, captured)
11 152mm (D-1) gun-howitzer M-1943: (1, destroyed) (2, destroyed) (3, destroyed) (4, destroyed) (5, destroyed) (6, destroyed) (7, destroyed) (8, captured) (9 and 10, captured) (11, captured)
18 152mm (D-20) gun-howitzer M-1955: (1, destroyed) (2, destroyed) (3, destroyed) (4, destroyed) (5, destroyed) (6, destroyed) (7, destroyed) (8, destroyed) (9, destroyed by Spike NLOS) (10, damaged) (11, damaged) (12 and 13, damaged) (14, damaged) (15, captured) (16, captured) (17, captured) (18, captured)
4 152mm 2A36 Giatsint-B field-gun: (1, destroyed) (2, destroyed) (3, destroyed) (4, destroyed)

Self-propelled artillery (14, of which destroyed: 13, damaged: 1)
10 122mm 2S1 Gvozdika: (1, destroyed) (2, destroyed) (3, destroyed) (4, destroyed) (5, destroyed) (6, destroyed) (7, destroyed) (8, destroyed) (9, destroyed) (10, damaged)
4 152mm 2S3 Akatsiya: (1, destroyed by loitering munition) (2, destroyed by loitering munition) (3, destroyed by loitering munition) (4, destroyed by loitering munition)

Multiple rocket launchers (60, of which destroyed: 60)
55 122mm BM-21 'Grad': (1, destroyed) (2, destroyed) (3, destroyed) (4, destroyed) (5, destroyed) (6, destroyed) (7, destroyed) (8, destroyed) (9, destroyed) (10, destroyed) (11, destroyed) (12, destroyed) (13, destroyed) (14, destroyed) (15, destroyed) (16, destroyed) (17, destroyed) (18 destroyed) (19, destroyed) (20, destroyed) (21, destroyed) (22, destroyed) (23, destroyed) (24, destroyed) (25, destroyed) (26, destroyed) (27, destroyed) (28, destroyed) (29, destroyed) (30, destroyed) (31, destroyed) (32, destroyed) (33, destroyed) (34, destroyed) (35, destroyed) (36, destroyed) (37, destroyed) (38, destroyed) (39, destroyed) (40, destroyed) (41, destroyed) (42, destroyed) (43, destroyed) (44, destroyed) (45, destroyed) (46, destroyed) (47, destroyed) (48, destroyed) (49, destroyed by loitering munition) (50, destroyed by loitering munition) (51, destroyed by loitering munition) (52, destroyed by loitering munition) (53, destroyed by loitering munition) (54, destroyed by Spike NLOS) (55, destroyed by Spike NLOS)
2 273mm WM-80: (1 and 2, destroyed)
1 220mm TOS-1A: (1, destroyed)
1 300mm BM-30 'Smerch': (1, destroyed by loitering munition)
1 Unknown MRL: (1, destroyed)

Ballistic Missiles (1, of which destroyed: 1)
1 R-17 'Scud-B': (1, destroyed)

Mortars (9, of which destroyed: 1, captured:Крутой
2 60mm M57: (1 and 2, captured)
5 120mm M75: (1, captured) (2, captured) (3, captured) (4, captured) (5, captured)
2 Unknown mortar: (1, destroyed) (2, captured) (3, captured)

Self-propelled anti-aircraft guns (1, of which destroyed: 1)
1 ZSU-23-4 'Shilka': (1, destroyed)

Surface-to-air missile systems (21, of which destroyed: 21)
3 9K35 Strela-10: (1, destroyed) (2, destroyed) (3, destroyed)
11 9K33 Osa: (1, destroyed) (2, destroyed) (3, destroyed) (4, destroyed) (5, destroyed) (6, destroyed) (7, destroyed) (8, destroyed) (9, destroyed) (10, destroyed by loitering munition) (11, destroyed by loitering munition)
1 2K12 Kub (inoperational): (1, destroyed)
5 5P85S (launcher for S-300PS): (1 and 2, destroyed) (3, destroyed by loitering munition) (4, destroyed by loitering munition) (5, destroyed by loitering munition)
1 S-300 component: (1, destroyed)

Radars (11, of which destroyed: 11)
1 P-18 ''Spoon Rest D'': (1, destroyed)
4 ST86U/36D6 ''Tin Shield'' (for S-300): (1, destroyed) (2, destroyed by loitering munition) (3, destroyed by loitering munition) (4, destroyed by loitering munition)
1 SNR-125 ''Low Blow'' (for S-125): (1, destroyed by loitering munition)
2 5N63S ''Flap Lid'' (for S-300): (1, destroyed by loitering munition) (2, destroyed by loitering munition)
1 19J6 (for S-300): (1, destroyed)
1 1S32 ''Pat Hand'' (for 2K11 Krug): (1, destroyed)
1 1S91 SURN (for 2K12 Kub): (1, destroyed)

Jammers and Deception systems (1, of which destroyed: 1)
1 Repellent-1: (1, destroyed)

Aircraft (1, of which destroyed: 1)
1 Su-25K (1, crashed)

Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (4, of which destroyed: 4)
1 X-55: (1, destroyed)
1 Quadcopter drone: (1, crashed)
1 Suicide quadcopter drone: (1, crashed)
1 Unknown UAV: (1, destroyed)

Trucks, Vehicles and Jeeps (355, of which destroyed: 171, damaged: 5 captured: 179)
6 GAZ-66: (1, destroyed) (2, destroyed) (3, destroyed) (4, captured) (5, captured) (6, captured)
26 GAZ-3308: (1, destroyed) (2 and 3, destroyed) (4, destroyed) (5, destroyed by Spike NLOS) (6, damaged and captured) (7, damaged and captured) (8, captured) (9, captured) (10, captured) (11, captured) (12, captured) (13, captured) (14, captured) (15, captured) (16, captured) (17, captured) (18, captured) (19, captured) (20, captured) (21, captured) (22, captured) (23, captured) (24, captured) (25 and 26, captured)
1 9T217 transloader (for 9K33 Osa): (1, destroyed)
32 KamAZ: (1, destroyed) (2 and 3, destroyed) (4, destroyed) (5, 6 and 7, destroyed) (8, destroyed) (9, destroyed) (10, destroyed) (11, destroyed) (12, destroyed) (13, destroyed) (14, destroyed by loitering munition) (15, destroyed by loitering munition) (16, damaged and captured) (17, damaged and captured) (18, captured) (19, captured) (20, captured) (21 and 22, captured) (23, captured) (24, captured) (25, captured) (26, captured) (27, captured) (28, captured) (29, captured) (30, captured) (31, captured) (32, captured)
24 ZiL-131: (1, destroyed) (2, destroyed) (3, destroyed) (4, destroyed) (5, destroyed by loitering munition) (6, destroyed by Spike NLOS) (7, damaged and captured) (8, captured) (9, captured) (10, captured) (11, captured) (12, captured) (13, captured) (14, captured) (15, captured) (16, captured) (17, captured) (18, captured) (19 and 20, captured) (21, captured) (22, captured) (23, captured) (24, captured)
3 Ural-375A: (1, captured) (2, captured) (3, captured)
81 Ural-4320: (1, destroyed) (2, destroyed) (3, destroyed) (4, destroyed) (5, destroyed) (6, destroyed) (7, destroyed) (8, destroyed) (9, destroyed) (10, destroyed) (11, destroyed) (12, destroyed) (13, destroyed) (14, destroyed) (15, destroyed) (16 and 17, destroyed) (18, destroyed) (19, destroyed) (20, destroyed) (21, destroyed) (22, destroyed) (23, destroyed) (24, destroyed) (25, destroyed) (26, destroyed) (27 and 28, destroyed) (29 and 30, destroyed) (31, destroyed) (32, destroyed) (33, destroyed) (34, destroyed) (35, destroyed) (36, destroyed) (37, destroyed) (38, destroyed) (39, destroyed) (40, destroyed) (41, destroyed) (42, destroyed) (43, destroyed) (44, destroyed) (45, destroyed) (46, destroyed) (47, destroyed) (48, destroyed) (49, destroyed) (50, destroyed by loitering munition) (51, damaged) (52, captured) (53, captured) (54, captured) (55, captured) (56, captured) (57, captured) (58, captured) (59, captured) (60, captured) (61, captured) (62, captured) (63, captured) (64, captured) (65, captured) (66, captured) (67, captured) (68 and 69, captured) (70, captured) (71, captured) (72, captured) (73, captured) (74, captured) (75, captured) (76, captured) (77, captured) (78, captured) (79, captured) (80, captured) (81, captured)
37 Ural-43206: (1, destroyed) (2, destroyed) (3, destroyed) (4, destroyed) (5, destroyed) (6, destroyed) (7, destroyed) (8, destroyed) (9, destroyed) (10, destroyed) (11, damaged and captured) (10, captured) (11, damaged and captured) (12, damaged and captured) (13, damaged and captured) (14, captured) (15, captured) (16, captured) (17, captured) (18, captured) (19, captured) (20, captured) (21, captured) (22, captured) (23, 24, 25, 26 and 27, captured) (28, captured) (29 and 30, captured) (31, captured) (32, captured) (33, captured) (34, captured) (35, 36 and 37, captured)
8 UAZ-452: (1, destroyed) (2, destroyed) (3, destroyed) (4, damaged and captured) (5, captured) (6, captured) (7, captured) (8, captured) (9, captured)
21 UAZ-469: (1, destroyed) (2, destroyed) (3, destroyed) (4, destroyed) (5, destroyed) (6, destroyed) (7, destroyed) (8, destroyed) (9, damaged and captured) (10, damaged and captured) (11, damaged and captured) (12, damaged and captured) (13, captured) (14, captured) (15, captured) (16, captured) (17, captured) (18, captured) (19, captured) (20, captured) (21, captured)
1 UAZ Patriot: (1, destroyed)
7 UAZ-23602-130: (1, captured) (2, captured) (3, captured) (4, captured) (5, captured) (6, captured) (7, captured)
7 UAZ-23632: (1, destroyed) (2, captured) (3, captured) (4, captured) (5, captured) (6, captured) (7, captured)
65 Unknown truck: (1, destroyed) (2, destroyed) (3, destroyed) (4, destroyed) (5, destroyed) (6, destroyed) (7, destroyed) (8, destroyed) (9, destroyed) (10, destroyed) (11, destroyed) (12, destroyed) (13, destroyed) (14, destroyed) (15, destroyed) (16 and 17, destroyed) (18, destroyed) (19, destroyed) (20, destroyed) (21, destroyed) (22, destroyed) (23, destroyed) (24, destroyed) (25, destroyed) (26, destroyed) (27, destroyed) (28, destroyed) (29, destroyed) (30, destroyed) (31, destroyed) (32, destroyed) (33, destroyed) (34, destroyed) (35, destroyed) (36, destroyed) (37, destroyed) (38, destroyed) (39, destroyed) (40, destroyed) (41, destroyed by loitering munition) (42, destroyed by loitering munition) (43, destroyed by loitering munition) (44, destroyed by loitering munition) (45, destroyed by loitering munition) (46 destroyed by loitering munition) (47, 48, 49 and 50, damaged) (51, captured) (52, captured) (53 and 54, captured) (55, captured) (56, 57, 58 and 59, captured) (60, captured) (61, captured) (62, captured) (63, captured) (64, captured) (65, captured)
30 Van or jeep: (1, destroyed) (2, destroyed) (3, destroyed) (4, 5 and 6, destroyed) (7 and 8, destroyed) (9, destroyed) (10, destroyed) (11, destroyed) (12, 13 and 14, destroyed) (15, destroyed) (16, destroyed) (17, 18 and 19, destroyed by loitering munition) (20, damaged and captured) (21, captured) (22, captured) (23, captured) (24, captured) (25, captured) (26, captured) (27, captured) (28, captured) (29, captured) (30, captured)
1 Bus (carrying reinforcements): (1, destroyed by loitering munition)
1 Tank trailer: (1, destroyed)
1 S-300 trailer: (1, destroyed)

Decoys (2, of which destroyed: 2)
2 Decoy 9K33 Osa: (1, destroyed by loitering munition) (2, destroyed by loitering munition)

Strategic locations hit (16)
Radio mast: (1)
military base: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5, hit by Spike NLOS) (6, hit by Spike NLOS)
command post: (1) (2) (3) (4)
storage depot: (1) (2, hit by loitering munition)
Stepanakert Airport: (1, hit by loitering munition)

Anti-tank guided missiles (42 captured, of which 7 launcher or optic)
13 9M111 Fagot: (1, 2, 3 and 4, captured) (5, 6, 7 and 8, captured) (9, 10 and 11, captured) (12 and 13, captured)
11 9M113 Konkurs: (1, captured) (2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7, captured) (8, captured) (9 and 10, captured) (11, captured)
6 9M115 Metis: (1 and 2, captured) (3, 4, 5 and 6, captured)
4 9P135M launcher for the 9M111 Fagot and 9M113 Konkurs: (1, captured) (2, captured) (3, captured) (4, captured)
6 9M133M-2 Kornet-EM: (1, 2 and 3, captured) (4, 5 and 6, captured)
2 9P163 launcher for the 9M133 Kornet: (1, captured) (2, captured)
1 1PN65 'Trakt-1' thermal optic for 9P135M Konkurs ATGM launcher: (1, captured)


Tanks (25, of which destroyed: 16, damaged: 6, captured: 2, captured but later lost: 1)
1 T-72 'Ural': (1, destroyed)
3 T-72A: (1, destroyed) (2, damaged) (3, damaged)
7 T-72AV/T-72 ''Aslan'': (1, destroyed) (2, destroyed) (3, destroyed) (4, damaged) (5, damaged) (6, damaged) (7, captured by Armenia, but later recaptured by Azerbaijan)
12 Unknown T-72: (1, destroyed) (2, destroyed) (3, destroyed) (4, destroyed) (5, destroyed) (6, destroyed) (7, destroyed) (8, destroyed) (9, destroyed) (10, destroyed) (11, destroyed) (12, damaged)
2 T-90S: (1, damaged and captured) (2, damaged and captured)

Armoured fighting vehicles (11, of which damaged: 3, captured:Крутой
8 BTR-70: (1, captured) (2, captured) (3, captured) (4, captured) (5, captured) (6 and 7, captured) (8, captured)
3 Unknown AFV: (1, 2 and 3, damaged and abandoned)

Infantry fighting vehicles (23, of which destroyed: 11, damaged: 2, captured: 10)
2 BMP-1: (1, destroyed) (2, destroyed)
12 BMP-2: (1, destroyed) (2, destroyed) (3, destroyed) (4, destroyed) (5, destroyed) (6, damaged) (7, damaged and captured) (8, captured) (9, captured) (10, captured) (11, captured) (12, captured)
1 BMP-3: (1, destroyed)
5 BTR-82A: (1, damaged) (2, damaged and captured) (3, captured) (4, captured) (5, captured)
3 Unknown BMP: (1, destroyed) (2 and 3, destroyed)

Engineering equipment (1, of which damaged: 1)
1 IMR-2: (1, damaged)

Aircraft and Helicopters (8, of which destroyed:Крутой
8 An-2 (used as unmanned bait in order for Armenia to reveal the location of air defence systems): (1, destroyed) (2, destroyed) (3, destroyed) (4, destroyed) (5, destroyed) (6, destroyed) (7, destroyed) (8, crashed)
1 Mi-8/17 (Loss admitted by Azerbaijan)

Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (23, of which destroyed: 22, captured: 1)
1 Aerostar surveillance UAV: (1, crashed)
11 IAI Harop loitering munition: (1, destroyed) (2, destroyed) (3, destroyed) (4, destroyed) (5, destroyed) (6, destroyed) (7, destroyed) (8, destroyed) (9, crashed in Iran) (10, crashed in Iran) (11, crashed in Georgia)
1 SkyStriker loitering munition: (1, crashed)
1 Orbiter 1K loitering munition: (1, damaged and captured)
1 Bayraktar TB2 UCAV: (1, crashed)
8 Unknown UAV: (1, destroyed) (2, destroyed) (3, destroyed) (4, destroyed) (5, destroyed) (6, destroyed) (7, destroyed) (8, destroyed)

Trucks, Vehicles and Jeeps (19, of which destroyed: 13, damaged: 5, captured: 1)
2 Ural-4320: (1, destroyed) (2, destroyed)
3 KamAZ: (1, destroyed) (2, destroyed) (3, captured)
1 MAZ: (1, damaged)
1 Marauder MRAP: (1, damaged)
3 Matador MRAP: (1, damaged) (2 and 3, damaged)
1 Plasan Sand Cat: (1, destroyed)
7 Unknown truck: (1, destroyed) (2, destroyed) (3, destroyed) (4 and 5, destroyed) (6, destroyed) (7, destroyed)
1 Van or jeep: (1, destroyed)
  • +0.26 / 22
  • АУ
  Seaver ( Слушатель )
29 окт 2020 07:45:53

Спасибо. Потери действительно огромные для небольших республик. Есть ссылка на сайт автора? 
  • +0.21 / 6
  • АУ
  Кот Мудраго ( Практикант )
  29 окт 2020 08:12:07

Ссылку найду позже.
Отмечу, что фиксация идет только по видеоматериалам. Т.е. что не попало в сеть, то и не учтено.
Например азербайджанские потери наверняка выше потому, что удары армянской артиллерии на видео толком не записывались.
  • +0.15 / 7
  • АУ
  Ilya Kaiten ( Слушатель )
29 окт 2020 11:21:33

Я просто на всякий случай напомню, что в Югославии натовцы (не энтузиасты по мультикам, а вполне себе специалисты с полным доступом к информаци ДСП) насчитали уничтоженной техники емнип в 5 раз больше, чем было по факту. Тупо одни и те же коробки поражались по несколько раз...
  • +0.12 / 3
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  mse ( Специалист )
29 окт 2020 11:28:47

Ну там ещо и югославы им подкидывали всякого от души.
  • +0.14 / 4
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  Ilya Kaiten ( Слушатель )
  29 окт 2020 11:47:13

Угу. Вплоть до того, что выгоревшие остовы грели, чтобы они в ИК светились...
В общем пока ножками там комиссия по полям, пунктам сбора и рем батам не походит, пока «бухгалтерию» не перелопатят, что-то считать в ютубе - мартышкин труд. Но и не запретишь ведь... Хай тешится человек…
  • +0.38 / 13
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  Кот Мудраго ( Практикант )
29 окт 2020 11:29:36

Могу рассказать о более свежем примере.
Тот же Орикс весьма правдиво подсчитывал количество уничтоженных целей ВКС в Сирии.
По фильмам АННА НЬЮС. Ни у кого сомнений не возникло. 
  • +0.16 / 4
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  oleg27 ( Практикант )
  29 окт 2020 11:33:43

  На желтом, сером и отваге вполне себе возникали.
  • +0.71 / 7
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  Кот Мудраго ( Практикант )
  29 окт 2020 11:48:31

Так ведь там публика оторви и выбрось.
На желтом евреи с хохлами, на сером евреи с змагарами, на отваге вообще не пойми кто.
У них любое попадание российского вооружения вызывает попаболь.
А Ориксу на это начхать, он просто пишет, что видит...
Конечно ошибки наверняка есть, но на общую картину они не влияют.
  • +0.48 / 13
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  oleg27 ( Практикант )
  29 окт 2020 08:56:37

 Есть один нюанс. Все захваченные танки ар повреждены БПЛА. То есть имеет место быть двойной учет. Ну конечно можно потешить азеровское самолюбие, но самообман до добра не доводит.
  • +1.12 / 21
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  Reginvalt ( Слушатель )
29 окт 2020 09:07:41

Потери большие, но, кмк, при их подсчете творился страшный треш. Это из разряда что в НКР было 300 танков до войны. 300 в каком состоянии?
Кмк прикидки осведомленных товарищей точнее, чем этот "подсчет".
  • +0.06 / 3
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  Старый кэп I ( Профессионал )
  29 окт 2020 10:22:41

Не проверить/подтвердить/опровергнуть ни вы, ни я этого не можете
Посему нести сюда этого ... дрочера - некорректно (по меньшей мере, хотя лично я поржал с "уничтоженных С-300")
  • +1.26 / 21
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  Кот Мудраго ( Практикант )
  29 окт 2020 11:11:15

Ну почему же. Вы можете зайти в его блог и самостоятельно изучить выложенные материалы.
Он примитивно рассматривал имеющиеся видео и подсчитывал удары по технике. Все закаталогоизировано. 
На каждый удар у него есть скрин.
Конечно можно оспаривать степень повреждения объектов, наличие ложных целей, и т.п. нюансы.
Но статистика интересная, показывает количество ударов, номенклатуру целей.
(Повторю, только тех которые имеют видеосвидетельство.)
Все лучше, чем в очередной раз вопрошать - доколе армяне будут терпеть своего соросенка.
  • +0.29 / 22
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  BlackShark ( Эксперт )
  29 окт 2020 20:33:15

Только вот он упорот и записывает в уничтоженные сплошняком то, что таковым не является, не говоря уж о том, что "мультики" и одну и ту же технику с разных ракурсов - тоже пишет. И макеты.

Причем, у него и в Сирии так было. Плюс еще и русофоб.
  • +0.69 / 20
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  oleg27 ( Практикант )
  29 окт 2020 21:05:07

 Он жеж гигло ЕМНИП.
  • +0.16 / 4
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  nesvobodnye ( Слушатель )
28 окт 2020 22:10:13
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06 ноя 2020 15:08:53
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