Цитата: BlackShark от 20.05.2010 14:52:31
Т.е. для перехвата чего угодно, кроме МБР/БРПЛ и тем более, падающих и так с орбиты спутников? Думаю, так оно и есть.
Но Постол же как бы намекает, что SM-3 и древние Скады не сможет перехватить, в точности так же, как Patriot ???
This misleading omission in reporting fundamental facts that are directly related to the material performance of a missile defense is similar to what happened following the Gulf War of 1991.
According to the Army’s testimony to Congress (and I am not joking here) a successful “intercept” meant that a “Patriot and a SCUD passed in the sky.” The Army’s initial claim in Congressional testimony of a 96% intercept rate, was later shown by the authors of this article to be “almost certainly zero,” as defined by
destruction of the SCUD warhead.