При работе над текстом были использованы:
Двухминутка ненависти. Григорий Тарасевич.
Адрес статьи:
http://www.freetowns…ok_society Putin’s Sovereign Democracy. By Masha Lipman. The Washington Post, Saturday, July 15, 2006; Page A21.
Sovereignty: Organized Hypocrisy. By Stephen D. Krasner. Princeton University Press, 1999.
The Future of International Law is Domestic (or, The European Way of Law). By Anne-Marie Slaughter and William Burke-White. Harvard International Law Journal, Volume 47, Number 2, Summer 2006. At:www.harvardilj.org/print/59 .
Inside Kremlin as It Tightens Its Grip: Ex-Aide to Tycoons. Domestic Adviser Surkov Hails Concentration of Power As 'Sovereign Democracy'. By Gregory L. White and Alan Cullison. The Wall Street Journal. December 19, 2006.
Hierarchy in International Relations:Authority, Sovereignty, and the New Structure of World Politics1. By David A. Lake, Department of Political Science, University of California, San Diego. At:
http://www.harrimani…/00243.pdf US In The World: Talking Global Issues With Americans. A Practical Guide.
http://www.usintheworld.org/ Две концепции суверенитета. Выступление на 54-й сессии Генеральной Ассамблеи Организации Объединенных Наций. Нью-Йорк, 20 сентября 1999 года. Адрес:
http://www.un.org/ru…erven3.htm Two concepts of sovereignty. By Kofi Annan. The Economist. 18 September 1999.
http://www.un.org/Ne…aecon.html A World Without Power. By Niall Ferguson.
Foreign Policy, July/August 2004.
http://www.mtholyoke…fp/vac.htm В переводе на русский язык:
Мир без гегемона. Н.Фергюсон.
http://www.politizdat.ru/outgoung/30/ The House of Rothschild. The World's Banker 1849-1999: Volume 2. By Niall Ferguson.
Carnegie. By Peter Krass.
North Atlantic Council Address, by Secretary of State Warren Christopher. June 3, 1996. At:
http://www.fas.org/m…c_coun.htm BiH's Butmir process to continue. Released by AFP, AP, BBC, FT, AKI, EurActiv, Fena, Beta, B92, Blic, Office of the High Representative – 21/10/09. At:
http://www.setimes.c…feature-01 Politics of Andorra. At:
http://en.wikipedia.…of_Andorra Britain joined plot to overthrow a Communist Italian government. By Sarah Delaney in Rome and Michael Evans, Defence Editor. The Times. January 14, 2008. At:
http://www.timesonli…182451.eceThe Secret Side of International Relations: An approach to NATO’s stay-behind armies in Western Europe. Paper by Daniele Ganser presented at the PSA conference in Leeds on April 7, 2005. At:
http://www.psa.ac.uk…Ganser.pdf NATO’s Secret Armies. Operation Gladio and Terrorism in Western Europe. By Daniele Ganser.
November 22, 1990, the European Parliament passed a resolution condemning Gladio At:
http://www.anomalies…ladio.html Заговор ради демократии. Максим Момот. Лента.ру. At:
http://lenta.ru/arti…1/14/coup/ The Selling of the Soviet Empire. By Alfred Koch. S.P.I. Books and Liberty Publishing House, N.Y., USA, 1998. «Приватизация в России. Экономика и политика»
The Birth of Privatization. Excerpted and adapted from
Commanding Heights by Daniel Yergin and Joseph Stanislaw, 1998 ed., pp. 114-124.
Up for Debate: Privatization and the Thatcher Legacy. At:http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/commandingheights/shared/pdf/ufd_privatizethatcher_full.pdf
Чубайс вошел в состав международного совета J.P. Morgan. At:
http://www.chubais.r…wtopic=639 или на сайте банка:
http://www.jpmorgan.…_Content_C Blair joins JP Morgan as $1m-a-year adviser. By Graeme Wearden.
The Guardian. 10.01.2008. At:http://www.guardian.co.uk/business/2008/jan/10/blairjpmorgan
John Major Appointed European Chairman of The Carlyle Group. May 14, 2001. At:
http://www.carlyle.c…m6536.html Exposed: The Carlyle Group. At:
http://www.informati…le3995.htm Dwight D. Eisenhower. Farewell Address delivered 17 January 1961. At:
http://www.americanr…ewell.html ;
в переводе на русский язык:
http://coldwar.ru/ei…ddress.php The 10 Constitutional Rules of the Labour Party. At:
http://labourcounts.com/constitution.htm Labour's call to the people. General Election Manifesto of 1918. In: Labour Party general election manifestos, 1900-1997. By Iain Dale.
http://www.labour-pa…esto.shtml )
The Struggle for a Workers’ International. By T.A.Jackson. Labour Monthly, May 1928.
http://www.marxists.…tional.htm The Labour Party's Call to Power. General Election Manifesto of 1935. In: Labour Party general election manifestos, 1900-1997. By Iain Dale.
Let Us Face the Future: A Declaration of Labour Policy for the Consideration of the Nation. Election Manifesto of 1945 In: Labour Party general election manifestos, 1900-1997. By Iain Dale.
The 10 Constitutional Rules of the Labour Party. At:
http://labourcounts.com/constitution.htm New Labour because Britain deserves better. Britain will be better with New Labour. The Labour Party Manifesto 1997.
http://www.labour-pa…esto.shtml )
Gordon Brown's testimony in front of the Chilcot Inquiry. 5 March, 2010
http://www.iraqinqui…-brown.pdf Jobs, industry and opportunity: growth strategies after the crisis. Progressive Governance Conference, London. Policy Network 19.02.2010. Address by Gordon Brown.
http://www.policy-ne…px?id=3570 Public presentation by Gordon Brown, in Mumbai, India. 18 January 2007.
http://www.youtube.c…3n6KM7clmo )
John C. Makinson. At:
http://people.forbes…nson/95021 The State of the Nation. An Audit of Injustice in the UK. By Will Paxton and Mike Dixon. IPPR. At:http://www.ippr.org.uk/publicationsandreports/publication.asp?id=274 )