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  neutral ( Слушатель )
  19 фев 2008 23:38:00

Тред №29776

новая дискуссия Дискуссия  155

(avanturist @ 19 февраля 2008, 20:01) кинем десяток ссылок на экспортные форумы и понаблюдаем за реакцией, пока тема горячая. Интересно ж.
Перевести не берусь - учитывая авторский стиль и непростую терминологию.
Но что касается реакции на западных блогах, например, на отделение Косово, - она очень неоднозначная. Вот например, комментарии к статье в times online:

"A seed of evil has metastased into cancer that is killing our planet and once proud nations and it is getting bigger by the day. May all deities and gods help us survive and weather what is to come in next few years. History, if there is one, will record Iraqi war and independence of Kosovo as a turning point. I would like to hope for the best, but somehow picture is getting darker and darker."
Scott G., Tri-city area, Canada


"I think that the rapid recognition of Kosovo independence by the US, followed by its closer European allies, is just a plan to annoy the Russians and diminish their influence in Europe.
In my opinion the EU support to the secession of an historic part of a sovereign European state is an enormous mistake which Europe will regret very soon."
Fernando Aldana, Barcelona, Spain

ну и наконец
'As school children now wonder what the world was thinking of when the western powers handed over the Sudatenland to Hitler in Munich and the consequences, they will wonder soon the consequences of opening the world-wide pandora's box. '
John, New York, New york, USA
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