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  АЛЕКС... ( Слушатель )
  22 фев 2008 04:57:00

Тред №30326

новая дискуссия Дискуссия  95


Пушной зверек подкрался к германской банковской системе:
German State-Owned Banks on Verge of Collapse

Интересно описывается то, как технично "англосаксы" развели наивных немцев на большие вложения в деривативное дерьмо, при активном косвенном содействии брюссельской бюрократии:

"It is a paradoxical situation, because the government, responding to pressure from Brussels, was required to withdraw its guarantee of protection for state-owned banks as of July 2005. Since then, it has only been liable for risks incurred before that date.

The consequences of the change were devastating for the public-sector banks, which suddenly found their business model pulled out from under their feet. In the days of government backing, they were able to borrow money at lower rates, which in turn allowed them to offer loans at lower rates than their private competitors. But that advantage ended in 2005.

Hard up for funds, many of the public-sector banks began speculating with high-risk securities. According to a former bank executive, many "literally stocked up on these investments" shortly before the cut-off date. Others even continued to do so after the cut-off date. Lacking a functioning business model, they turned to what was essentially gambling -- and lost.
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