Интересная статья о Дерипаске:
http://www.bloomberg…dX46BwoyfQКто такой, откуда, зачем и "чо пачом", про патриотизм и про то, что ему не дают визу в США. С другой стороны, есть и такое:
"Beyond Moscow, Deripaska has cultivated relationships with such financiers as former World Bank President James Wolfensohn, a Magna director, and
Nathaniel Rothschild, a Rothschild banking family member and co-chairman of New York hedge fund firm Atticus Capital LP. Rothschild smoothed the way for Deripaska in London financial circles, says one Moscow-based banker.
Rothschild declined to comment, says Atticus Capital spokesman Andy Merrill.
While he's not permitted inside the U.S., Deripaska sits on the 52-member international advisory council of Harvard University's Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, along with Rothschild and former Federal Reserve Chairman Paul Volcker."