Савин ( Слушатель ) | |
24 апр 2013 14:28:09 |
Цитата"Я, как и простые американцы, всегда готова пойти туда, откуда пришли эти люди, и преподать им урок. И давайте не будем останавливаться на Чешской республике, пойдем во все арабские страны. Они должны узнать, что не могут безнаказанно приезжать сюда и устраивать взрывы. Давайте отправим несколько ядерных ракет в Исламабад, пусть сгорит Прага и горит в аду Тегеран. Мы должны показать им, как умеем вести дела", — заявила американский политик.
Цитата: Fomor.Perm от 24.04.2013 14:19:14
у меня дома есть шмат подобной хрени и немного черного пороха. Попробую поставить эксперимент.
Савин ( Слушатель ) | |
24 апр 2013 14:55:52 |
Цитата: Савин от 24.04.2013 14:28:09
ЦитатаAlthough hosts Steve Doocy and Gretchen Carlson applauded Palin's jingoism, they immediately attempted to rectify her multiple geographic errors.
"Well Islamabad is the capital of Pakistan, which isn't Arab," Carlson corrected, "and Tehran is the capital of Iran, which is predominantly Persian. But I do see your point."
"Also Czech Republic isn't really an Arab or even Muslim country, I don't think," Doocy added, "but otherwise what you're saying makes a lot of sense. I think most Americans wish Obama would step up and lead on this one."
Palin, however, didn't take kindly to being corrected and defended her analysis.
"Steve, that's probably one of the most ignorant things I've ever heard. How is Czech Republic not a Muslim country? You saw those brothers, they were Islamic and they were Chechen!"
"Yes there were Muslim and they were ethnic Chechens," Doocy started, "but they grew up mostly in Kyrgyzstan and the United States. And more importantly, Chechens don't come from the Czech Republic, they come from Chechnya, which is part of Russia. "
"What's the difference?" Palin responded. "Isn't Russia part of the Czech Republic?"
"No, the Czech Republic is a separate country. It's part of the European Union and a strong NATO ally," Doocy noted. "But heck, why not? Let's invade. What could go wrong?"
Цитата Накануне, 22 апреля, сатирическая газета The Daily Currant опубликовала на своем сайте выдуманную новость, в которой сообщалось, что Сара Пэйлин призывает к вторжению в Чехию в ответ на бостонский теракт.