Влияние кризиса на западное НТР
24,431 27

  watcher ( Слушатель )
23 окт 2008 20:46:55

Тред №58720

новая дискуссия Дискуссия  326


Работаю в амер. R&D компании в Канаде. Компания занимается разработкой телекоммуникационного оборудования - от железа то телекоммуникационных приложений. Конкретно наше подразделение в Канаде делает Media Server. Этот MS призван что бы заменить аналоговые телефонные станции больших провайдеров (AT&T, Huawei, etc.) на цифровые и умеет делать все стандартные сервисы ТелКо - голосовые сообщения, конференции итд. Компания имеет офисы 2 в Штатах, и по одному в Канаде, Японии, Китае, Германии.
Так вот, около 8 мес назад сократили целый офис в Штатах, и провели доп. сокращения в остальных офисах (около 5%). Резко сжали расходы, но не так что бы было очень заметно, просто не тратят без оглядки как это было раньше. Стало более внимательное отношение к использованию ресурсов (оборудования, людей) что бы ничего не простаивало и использовалось полностью. В таком состоянии находимся до сих пор. Никаких встрясок нет.
Все старые проекты финансируются как и раньше. Новые проекты как планировались, так и планируются и финансирование под них выделяется.
На прошлой неделе вышло письмо от CEO (привожу целиком в оригинале).
As all of you are aware there is meaningful turmoil in the US and global economies.  The breadth and depth of this global economic situation is still unfolding and it is not yet possible to predict how it will ultimately impact our company.  Even so, I wanted to provide a some perspective on how we should be managing our business in this climate of meaningful economic uncertainty.

Our own view of the economic situation aligns with those of the experts we are all hearing from every day – that is that the underlying economic issues are real and they will likely have wide-ranging impacts across many markets and many companies.  So, we are absolutely taking this situation seriously.   In this environment cash and cash preservation are critical and RadiSys has done well in building a solid cash position.  In this quarter we will have a bit over $100M in cash and equivalents on our balance sheet.  About $30M of this cash is ours outright, about $55M of this is convertible debt that will come due in 2013 and about $20M is in revolving credit that we brought in as global economic concerns began to emerge.  In addition to our cash on hand, we typically generate over $5M cash from operations in normal quarters.  This all gives us a strong foundation to weather tough economic environments.  

However, even with a strong cash position it is critical that we manage our spending very carefully until the scope and impact of global economic issues are better understood.  While we are not seeing a meaningful impact to our business at this time, we do need to be taking precautionary steps to manage our cash effectively.  By doing so we enhance our levels of financial security but we also position RadiSys to be a strong potential consolidator down the road in a scenario where attractive, but weaker companies may not be able to make it on their own.  Over the past few weeks I have asked our leadership team to focus closely on cash management and preservation.  We are taking steps to be sure that we don’t buy more materials (inventory) than we need to meet our commitments to customers.  We are monitoring our base of suppliers, partners and customers to watch for any financial stresses they might encounter that could impact us.  We are closely managing our discretionary spending such as travel and capital improvements.  We are looking very closely at any hiring to be sure that only the most critical positions are being filled.  These are all appropriate cautionary steps for us to be taking and I ask for your full support in managing our spending closely.

I also want to emphasize that in this environment serving our customers remains a high priority for each of us.  One of the best things we can do is to be sure we enable our customers to be successful with their businesses.  So while we are watching our budgets and cash, I also want to be sure that we continue to service and support our customers both efficiently and effectively.

We have accomplished a lot as a company over the past few years and are at the top of many of the markets that we serve.  This coupled with a strong balance sheet (cash) position should help us to effectively navigate potential economic disruptions that may come our way and potentially end up in an even stronger market position.  Unfortunately we don’t have a crystal ball that will tell us what the next year will bring, but we do know that there are fundamental economic issues out there that give us reasons to be cautious and manage our budgets and spending closely.  I ask that all of you continue to do the good work you’ve done over the past several years, to support our customers well and to do all that you can to manage our spending in a conservative way.  I am confident that by doing so RadiSys will continue to be a highly successful company.

Thank you all for your hard work and support.



Добавлю еще, что на западном побережье Канады кризис практически не заметен. Чуть снизился бум в IT. Ситуация с работой в IT напоминает 2005 год - если искать, то найти можно. ДомА в цене практически не просели, хотя на продажу выставлено домов раза в 3-4 больше чем раньше (раньше их расхватывали в первые недели не глядя на цену). Стройки идут как и раньше.
Кстати, 2 недели назад (15 октября) сын получил гос. займ на обучение в ВУЗе. На фоне того что твориться в Штатах это просто сказка.

(я вот сразу ответил!Подмигивающий Авантюрист, отпиши про волны плиз в ликбезе!!!)

Отредактировано: watcher - 23 окт 2008 20:49:28
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