В догонку о докладе Трехсторонней Комисии
Одной из основных проблем современной демократии было возникновение прослойки превдо-интелектуалов целенаправленно занимающихся обхаиванием и разрушением существующкго строя
At the present time, a significant challenge comes from the
intellectuals and related groups who assert their disgust with
the corruption, materialism, and inefficiency of democracy
and with the subservience of democratic government to
"monopoly capitalism." The development of an "adversary
culture" among intellectuals has affected students, scholars,
and the media. Intellectuals are, as Schumpeter put it,
"people who wield the power of the spoken and the written
word, and one of the touches that distinguish them from
other people who do the same is the absence of direct
responsibility for practical affairs." 3 In some measure, the
advanced industrial societies have spawned a stratum of
value-oriented intellectuals who often devote themselves to
the derogation of leadership, the challenging of authority,
and the unmasking and delegitimation of established
institutions, their behavior contrasting with that of the also
increasing numbers of technocratic and policy-oriented
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