Украина и украинско-российские отношения
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  trux ( Слушатель )
27 янв 2010 18:42:17

Тред №184263

новая дискуссия Дискуссия  67

Цитата: abygor от 27.01.2010 17:20:40
TAMPEP 2009 European Mapping Report
A mapping of the prostitution scene in 25 European countries

Судя по отчету за 2008 год секс имиграция из россии больше чем из Украины!

Another difficulty in achieving our final objectives is verbal communication. In
projects that do not make use of linguistic and cultural mediation, operators are often
unable to identify the nationality of the migrant sex workers they encounter. In the past,
many women from Eastern European countries such as the Ukraine were believed to be
Russian, merely because they spoke the Russian language. Additionally, sex workers
sometimes give a false nationality for fear of being recognised, arrested or identified.

Из того же доклада. Документов нет, говорит по-русски - значит русская.
Отредактировано: trux - 27 янв 2010 18:43:57
  • +1.09 / 15
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