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  an_private ( Слушатель )
16 июл 2010 20:24:53

Тред №237889

новая дискуссия Дискуссия  78

На самом деле на сайте наса  ;D лежит некая программа для расчета течений воздуха при сверхзвуковом потоке.
Multiple Shock Wave Simulator solves the flow equations for supersonic flow past multiple wedges. Input variables include the Mach number, wedge angles, and the spacing between the wedges. Wedges may be located in series or opposite each other. Depending on the combination, attached oblique shocks or a detached normal shock is generated. The simulator computes the static and total pressure ratio, the temperature and density ratio, the shock angle, flow turning, and the downstream Mach number. A graphic shows the multiple shock intersections and reflections. This program also solves the single wedge problem; generating an oblique or normal shock, or a centered expansion fan.

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