Были или нет американцы на Луне?
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  Призрак фон Брауна ( Слушатель )
29 сен 2010 21:27:59

Тред №260391

новая дискуссия Дискуссия  241

Как американцы обосрались с аполлончиками.

Первый (и возможно единственный) пилотируемый полет "Аполлона" выявил серьезные проблемы с гигиеной:

[quote author= http://www.astronaut…pollo7.htm]
For example, the waste management system for collecting solid body wastes was adequate, though annoying. The defecation bags, containing a germicide to prevent bacteria and gas formation, were easily sealed and stored in empty food containers in the equipment bay. But the bags were certainly not convenient and there were usually unpleasant odors. Each time they were used, it took the crew member from 45 to 60 minutes, causing him to postpone it as long as possible, waiting for a time when there was no work to do. The crew had a total of only 12 defecations over a period of nearly 11 days. Urination was much easier, as the crew did not have to remove clothing. There was a collection service for both the pressure suits and the inflight coveralls. Both devices could be attached to the urine dump hose and emptied into space.

Some of the crew's grumpiness during the mission could be attributed to physical discomfort. About 15 hours into the flight, Schirra developed a bad cold, and Cunningham and Eisele soon followed suit. A cold is uncomfortable enough on the ground; in weightless space it presents a different problem. Mucus accumulates, filling the nasal passages, and does not drain from the head. The only relief is to blow hard, which is painful to the ear drums. So the crewmen of Apollo 7 whirled through space suffering from stopped up ears and noses. They took aspirin and decongestant tablets and discussed their symptoms with the doctors.

Отметим, что объем жилого отсека "Аполлона KM" в полтора раза меньше "Союза":

[quote author= http://en.wikipedia.…rrangement]
The central pressure vessel of the command module was its sole habitable compartment. It had an interior volume of 210 cubic feet (5.9 m3) and housed the main control panels, crew seats, guidance and navigation systems, food and equipment lockers, the waste management system, and the docking tunnel.

При этом:

[quote author= http://www.airspacem…ining.html]
For bowel movements, the astronaut would first tape a plastic bag to his buttocks. When he was done, he would seal the bag, then knead it in order to mix a liquid bactericide with the contents. Small wonder that a NASA memo reported, “The Apollo waste management system worked satisfactorily from an engineering standpoint,” but from the perspective of the crew, “the system must be given poor marks.”

Технический отчет:

Краткое пособие:

[quote author= http://www.fotoq.ru/view.php?i=1087]
Для решения же более сложной физиологической задачи американцы приклеивали к анусу скотчем специальный пакет с внутренними стенками, покрытыми абсорбирующим материалом. После облегчения астронавт специальным выступом этого пакета очищал тело от нечистот, после чего аккуратно отклеивал его, добавлял внутрь консервант и выбрасывал закупоренный пакет в мусорный бак. Для приватности во время этого процесса астронавтам разрешалось выключать бортовую видеокамеру. По сообщениям американской периодики тех лет, бывали случаи, когда такой пакет отклеивался в неподходящий момент. В том числе из-за этого многих астронавтов удручала подобная система, но до появления «Шаттла» им приходилось с ней мириться.

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Отредактировано: Призрак фон Брауна - 14 дек 2010 10:41:06
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