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16 окт 2010 16:50:29

Тред №265837

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Jarrah White questioned Buzz Aldrin about the Dutch moon rock

[quote author=Sydney Morning Herald http://www.smh.com.a…166a5.html]
Security, we have a problem
October 6, 2010

Jacqueline Maley and Leesha McKenny

THE astronaut Buzz Aldrin has stepped onto the moon and moonwalked on Dancing With The Stars. But it was his minders who made one giant leap - to stop an interloper - at his Sydney media conference yesterday. All had been going well at the Sofitel Wentworth before his appearance as guest of honour at the Australian Geographic Society Awards tonight until a bloke down the front in a fedora asked a question. It was the space conspiracy theorist Jarrah White, who quizzed Aldrin on whether he knowingly gave a piece of petrified wood - which until last year was thought to be moon rock - to the former Dutch Prime Minister Willem Drees shortly after the Apollo 11 voyage in 1969. ''Petrified wood? Well, that doesn't sound like it came from the moon,'' Aldrin responded, before suggesting the sample was switched sometime after 1969. ''What happens to that display once it is presented to somebody isn't the responsibility of the United States, and it certainly isn't the responsibility of the crew that gave it to them.'' That's that then. Or, it was for the rest of the conference. All further questions - on the greatest feats of the 20th century, on his heroes - were gently put to Aldrin by people associated with the society. ''You accepted my planned question very well,'' Aldrin joked in response to one. But the octogenarian, who later dismissed White to Diary as an attention seeker, has proved adept at handling his kind before - punching the amateur space hoax filmmaker Bart Sibrel in the face for ambushing him and calling him ''a coward, and a liar, and a thief'' in 2002. And while on the topic of space hoaxes, Aldrin had some revelations about Michael Jackson's famous dance move. ''That's not the way you're going to walk around the moon - backwards,'' he said.

In reponse: Your Diary story describes me as an ‘‘interloper’’ at Buzz Aldrin’s media conference. This is false. I was invited and have the email records to prove it.
It says Aldrin’s minders tried to ‘‘stop me’’. Stop me from what? If Aldrin’s minders were at the conference, I wasn't aware of it. No one tried to stop me doing anything.
The story implies my questioning was harsh and antagonistic. It draws a comparison with Bart Sibrel calling Aldrin ‘‘a liar, coward and a thief’’. This is untrue. My exchange with Aldrin was completely civil and could not be described in any way as antagonistic or confrontational.
The story says Aldrin told the Diary I was an ‘‘attention seeker’’. If asking a legitimate question is attention-seeking then every other person present must also have been attention seeking. That is absurd and preposterous.
Jarrah White  Naremburn

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